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Special Canola not a good idea to claim more than you have tol

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    Special Canola not a good idea to claim more than you have tol

    Cargil accepting only the 27 bushels to the acre guaranteed acceptance. Umm what if you have more, then deliver less than 27? Is there a penalty? Scared to ask.

    Just thinking some of this going to heat if not already. But oil content is up 4 percent over normal that should help them and farmers that cannot deliver. Strange that have been growing this stuff exlusively for 5 years and have not been given first option to grow next year not that I would want to in the first place but not even given option. So a word of advice don't take cargil's word on giving past growers first option. It is crap.


      Basically their health canola is crap, reputable neighbor claims same, 20 percent less yield over invigor hybrids.
      With a 0 to 10 percent premium depending on month why do farmers contract?


        I don't care if it screws me, the invigor health is a bad yielder. Neighbors know who I am already. Side by side 45 to under 35 health. That is what is don't care where your at. Maybe this screw me for contracts but I do not care, enough of them saying past growers will have first chance. Its crap.


          By tieing into Cargil or almost any S.O. canola you effectivly take away the biggest advantage of growing canola that most of us here demand - a free open market that pays dividends. There is always a catch to the so called premiums for S.O. canola. Go for yeild and keep it free to market as you wish - you will be farther ahead 90% of the time. S.O. contracts make canola marketing no different the board grains IMO.


            Hired man grew one quarter their specialty canola and one 5440 I harvested both sprayed both and seeded both. HA HA HA HA> the shit yields at least 20% less and they keep saying its going to get better so for the last five years this guy got 20% less its like growing only 4 canola crops to our 5 out of 5 he lost one full crop in five years. One full crop. Yea it pays dividends yea big dividends.


              Furrow nailed it! The premium for these Canola Varieties Both CSCO and Nexera In MOST cases just covers the yield loss, and your tied into marketing at a particular time you commited to.

              The Varieties are getting better but are just holding the Margin against newer better commodity canola. The Premiums they are paying now are were adequate when canola was $6 but now as a percentage just dont cut it they should be paying $75 to $100. Sorry to friends at Cargil, Richardson, Viterra and Dreyfus. But thats the math on my farm. Anything more than a 8% yeild reduction I start loosing money, and have less marketing options.

              Some areas might be much more suited for these varieties, and they have come a long way from the likes of IMC 111 and CL 845. But there is much more incentive needed either on Genetics or Premium.


                I use 10% percent yield loss as the breakeven. $50/mt on 400/mt is a 12.5% premium, marketing options are decrease but on the flip side I'm making the same money but only have to store, handle and truck 90% as much, plus the other reduced costs. That how I figure it, right or wrong I'm not sure. CSCO would be my last choice though, they play too many games for my taste, like the shrink on drying mysteriously being the identical figure to the premium...hmmm


                  I grew it 5 years ago swore I wouldn't grow it again .
                  ( poor delivery) Was convinced it was way better than
                  past. Thats strike 2 ,15% yield reduction and poor
                  basis contract . I agree with past posts, no benefits
                  and lots of headaches.


                    I have grown the Invigor Healthy oil for Cargill the last two years. Two years ago Healthy oil yielded 49 bus/ac, the Nex 845 yielded 41 bus/ac and the avg of the rest of our canola, (1320 ac) was 51 bus/ac. This past year Cargill's canola was 39 bus/ac, Nex 845 was 23 bus/ac and the rest of our canola (1280 ac.) was 48 bus/ac. This specialty canola is a real pain this year in that it has to be dried separately. I have not been approached by Cargill offering seed for sale for 2010.


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