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Palm Tree Islands!!!!!!!

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    Palm Tree Islands!!!!!!!

    I never thought the excesses of the UAE and Dubai would affect me to any real extent. But now we find out everything, even the ego's of the Shieks affects the value of the grain in my bins.

    Any ideas how long these jitters are going to last or what the ultimate price we'll pay is going to be? News reports are that Dubai World owes $60 Billion to banks. How much of that will not be repaid?

    You must be kidding us. Viterra owes 600 million in long term debt. Bubai is the richest nation on the planet. They tell us Canadians to sweep the floors. Dubai is the least of the worries.


      No hop your wrong, Dubai is a problem as were seeing this Black Friday. Yes all the snot nose rookies are working today and the big traders are looking after their Kids and Ex-wives but hell is going on in the financial markets and thus frucking up the grain markets as well. Canadian dollar down Hard. (yea have to pay for the US dryer next week DAH)
      But was thinking of some thing else that I feel will happen in March. That's when the South American Soy crop is harvested and hits the market till then the USA is the only game in town. The Chinese are buying it like hot cakes, Remember their game of Screwing the Canola market with their BS Black leg theory. (Frincking Commies). Any way I digress. Our price is dropping in Relation to the Soy. Were selling for a discount way huge discount. Way huge. Most farmers are putting hopes on Jan to March time period. HA. Watch the Chinese are so smart their filling up with soy now then in March when SA comes on board the price will nose dive. Canola will drop buy huge amounts because as the experts say were connected to soy. (YEA WHAT A CROCK OF SHIP, yea when its dropping but rising.) Price of canola will be in tank then oh by some mysterious out of this world correlation the Chinese will show up and pick off the Canadian canola buy the boat loads. Yea the free willy market really works when your dealing with a Commie.


        Got an email from a buddy who pointed out that all the companies defaulting on their loans are state-owned. Funny how the MSM doesn't mention that isn't it.


          9:00 AM MST-
          This is starting to look like comedy hour. The egos of some Sheiks, the greed of some bankers, and the adrenelin junkies on trading floors are coming together and exposing the worst charateristics of mankind.

          Now Burbert and Agstar, before you clap your hands with glee and hit the keyboard saying, "what took you so long?", think again. The free market is dealing with this in record time. It is airing out the problems and the smart folks are going to be the ones who will not be hurt in the end. The idiots, egoists, and greedsters will pay. In your government controlled utopias, it takes generations of suffering and pain before the rot is exposed and comes to an end, after of course, the elites have lived the high life off the backs of the peasants.

          Back to regular scheduled programming........


            Dubai is not rich any more, its a basket case . its a maze of concrete and glass, all on the never never, built by migrants paid about £1/hr.
            A lot of brits have invested profits from property in dubai and have lost their shirts.


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