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chemical question

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    chemical question

    I have some bumper fungicide left over and it says not to freeze on the label.

    Is that a definatly dont freeze or can you get away with freezing it?

    Not sure specifically about fungicides but sometimes the problem with freezing is that the active precipitates out and settles in the bottom. Often by shaking up the jug, it'll go back into solution and all will be fine. If you don't shake it up, your active will be in the bottom of the jug and not on the plant. Suggest you do a little test. Put a small amount outside to freeze, thaw it, see what happens and shake it up. Not 100% sure that it will be fine but if the active goes back into solution and stays there, this is a good sign.



      Phone the rep that sell that product... they Should know!

      Most are really good about these types of issues!


        Let us know what you find out.

        Suspect it will be, "always read and follow label directions", but maybe not.

        Have found with Tilt (not frozen) that shaking jug with settled active doesn't work. The nozzle screens will plug over with crap that looks and feels like grease (the active). What will put it back into suspension is a blender. Not to be used later for a slushy!!!!


          Bumper, Pivot or Tilt (same shit different piles) According to Alberta Crop Protection Guide, 2009, they recommend (IF in doubt follow label directions) Heated Storage Only.

          Bumper is a MANA product, and was distributed by UAP Canada


          STORAGE: Heated storage, do not allow to freeze.


            Syngenta rep says its ok to freeze.
            Should i trust him?


              Why take the chance. If the label says don't freeze, then don't. I hear all the time at coffee how my neighbors cut rates, reduce water volumes, add crap to the tank that isn't registered, push the envelop with leaf stages, and then whine when the chemical doesn't kill every weed out there. Most of our chemical dollar they say is advertising and R/D The research has found the optimum way to apply that product so I follow the label direction......... PERIOD.


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