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    watching people wake up is funny


    his base of support is destroyed

    Could this be the peace maker Nostradamus spoke of when he said beware the peace maker?


      Moore does make a few good points, however that guy is still a hypocritical joke.
      The guy makes millions from people buying his movies and then he comes out with a movie about how capitalism is evil.


        It's called 'champaign socialism' where a socialist
        becomes the complete capitalist by selling the success
        of the anti capitalist campaign. Nevertheless, Moore
        does raise some profound questions. And in a true
        Democracy, it only has substance if all points of view
        are heard and critiqued with respect.


          Moore is definately a capitalist himself. Unless he donates all his proceeds to the communist or socialist party and lives in a government housing project he is a complete and utter hypocrite. He might actually be smart, because he is making lots of money selling movies to socialists who like to hear that kind of horseshit.


            I read Moore's letter and was actually very surprised. I never realized he was such a raving-democrat-save-the-world type. I thought he was just obsessed with 9/11 and supersizing food.

            I cannot believe that he has never had legal issues. That itself, scares me. Does that mean that he either reports on such a fine line (to avoid lawsuits) or his 'facts' are correct?


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