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Canola 11.7

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    Canola 11.7

    I said 11.67 so with in the number. Also a note they continued updating till Nov 16Th i believe so probably took the error factor out of the equation. Could be a bit higher but take out spoilage and their is your number.

    Trade nailing us this morning in late overnight. Soy up but were down dollar low.


      Check out BNN the oracle speaks. Bearish on canola and wheat. Guess we should pack it in.


        Ha!Larry gives an interview on bnn and i hardly have anything to bitch at him about.

        Except-doesnt it suck amanda lang left and went to cbc,you got interviewed by her once and i was a quite jealous.She will probably become mansbridges new toy after he turfs that australian weather girl.


          And we are seeing a disintergration of the bond as the goto choice as a safe haven.

          I see gold starting to look expensive,stocks uglier than the prostitutes at circus circus in vegas,bonds lookin like that guy that stayed on the field at the grey cup,you really dont know if you want to stab him in the face with a pitch fork or give him a hug and say to him i'll maybe put money into you next year when your payin me a 11% return,get out of my face opey,

          Other than that ag and oil look good to me.


            Oh ya,the siamese twins commercial and residential relestate arnt doing so well.

            Their in the hospital right now with a curtain seperating one from the other.

            All commercial can here his a bunch of paniced hushed voices saying what else can we do,on the other side of the curtain residential's breath is slow and uneven.Dr.realator stands confidentally in the corner saying dont worry this saline solution will fix him right up.Dr.reality is face first in the other corner quietly crying.


              I guess its gods hands now May he show mercy on their souls.



                I first saw Amanda when she was 13 yrs old - playing volleyball in their veranda - ya thats how big it was - so I see her differently than most. I keep waiting for Otto to come out from somewhere and give me shit for something I've said.

                That boulder on her finger would scare most mortals away.



                  Why did amanda lang bolt to the cbc? She even has the gig on the national occasionally - that's a big move considering all the flunkies waiting for mansbridge's job.

                  And why did kevin Oleary go along with her?

                  I find it odd that a man that hates governments so much(oleary) ends up on their payroll.


                    The market took a larger than expected canola production number pretty well today. I guess we don't know if it will hold, but usually a bullish response to a bearish event bodes well. I believe this shows underlying strength in canola.


                      Were so cheap its pathetic. Palm oil production is having problems this fall and winter watch that. Were the only game in town till SA production comes for soy. Hey maybe just maybe it will pay some dividends. HA


                        Ya you gota watch out for them otto's.You dont want to get hit by a bus.

                        Here is a site that gives more accurate macro data than what is officially reported.Its pretty good and alot of big wigs follow it.



                          Amanda left for what most people leave for - money and the ability to advance her career. Her speaking fee tripled after she left BNN.

                          O'Leary was already had a gig with CBC with Dragon's Den, so the move wasn't that surprising. If you watched him on DD on Wednesday, you will understand his charachter better.


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