Would be cautious in trying to relate biotech and feeding the world to date. The crops that have used biotech has mainly been industrial crops used in the developed world as livestock feed (corn/soybean meal) and recently biofuels. Increasing middle class/increasing meat consumption has impacted in some parts of the developing world are benefiting somewhat as they improve income/diets.
Vegetable oil is perhaps a different story given this is one of the first places the developing world is spending money to increase calorie intake. That brings in palm oil however. A general comment is the growth is world vegetable oil consumption has been what could best be described as astounding.
Third world biotech has been more through things like golden rice, Bt cotton, etc.
Vegetable oil is perhaps a different story given this is one of the first places the developing world is spending money to increase calorie intake. That brings in palm oil however. A general comment is the growth is world vegetable oil consumption has been what could best be described as astounding.
Third world biotech has been more through things like golden rice, Bt cotton, etc.