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Interest rates will stay low for at least a couple more years

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    Interest rates will stay low for at least a couple more years

    According to this link I am posting.

    "Experts are notorious for missing the "turning points" when the economic and financial picture changes dramatically and sets the course of interest rates in the opposite direction. "

    Since there is unanimous support for forecast of higher rates, that means there will be lower rates, but since they cannot fall they will remain stable. I am certainly no expert here and I just stumbled upon this site and would like to hear some thoughts from others on agriville. I will likely sit back and watch what unfolds.


    I have never understood how higher rates will improve the economy. I can understand slowing a red hot economy by the use of interest rates but when you are at 10% unemployment its going to take alot of low cost borrowing to ramp up again.

    Its like gas and diesel when they were high - no one could afford to go to work and pay their mortgage. Same thing will happen again.

    By the way - what has the interest rate been in Japan for the last 15 years?

    I also thought it wasn't the rate but the "spread" that made the money. How else could you have canadian banks still making astronomical profits?


      Old foggies?
      Work all their lives.
      Got money
      Would like to get some returns on their earnings. Oprah, too.

      <div class="EC_style8ptBK">
      [URL="http://www.fxstreet.com/fundamental/interest-rates-table/"](Where would you open an account?)[/URL]


        Tell me how many bonds the government will buy from itself(quantative easing) and i'll tell you exactly where rates are going.


          What to be scared?Make sure you at least watch up to 40 seconds,and if you can handle the whole movie good for you.



            The big question here is: when will they have to stop printing money and and are forced to borrow real money from real lenders. Then interest rates will rise like they did in the eighties. At some point either this happens or we go on a Zimbabwe like inflation spiral.


              Is there any similarity to these two concepts:
              1. governments printing extra money to fund debt (vs bank borrowing) which dilutes the value of that countries $ over time.
              2. companies issuing additional shares to fund certain expenditures which dilutes the value of that company's share.

              I suspect that if #2 was done to purchase another company, the initial dilution is eventually offset by the increased value of the amalgamated company. If #2 was done to cover losses, there is no reward at the end of the rainbow to shareholders other than the shares may still have "some" value.

              Does diluting value to cover losses not have long term negative impacts in either situation?


                Probably should have watched the whole movie before i posted the link,the kid went off the conspiracy deep end and lots of non-sencical stuff was said.

                Choice-i would say those are very similar.


                  Watched the whole thing. Am starting to think my agriville friends are trying to educate me on the one world government issue.


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