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Harper Charm

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    Harper Charm


    "China lost more than doubled by ****seed
    [2009-12-05] [2009-12-05]

    YANG Wan-wen freelance newspaper reporter accompanying report

    iGerry RitzjC Canadian Federal Agriculture Minister Li Xijie (Gerry Ritz), Saturday in Beijing with Chinese state-owned China Grain Reserves Corporation, general manager of package Corzine will face the two sides on the sale of ****seed oil in Canada to begin negotiations on Chinese affairs.

    China Grain Reserves Corporation is in charge of national grain and oil reserves in official institutions.

    During the talks, Li Xijie Corzine assurances to the package indicates that the Canadian agriculture industry's ability to maintain stability of ****seed exports, oil pressing plant can increase production.

    Li Xijie also committed to the Canadian ****seed industry will work closely with the China Grain Reserves Corporation together to achieve a stable supply of ****seed.

    China Grain Reserves Corporation, said their goal is by 2010 an additional Canadian imports of 200,000 tons of ****seed, the total imports amounted to 35 million tons.

    Canola Council of Canada estimates that the additional export value of ****seed, or about 180 million yuan.

    New ****seed supply of nearly 200 million yuan last year, China is Canada's largest export market for ****seed, but China said that starting from November 15 will not accept Black shank ****seed.

    Canadian officials from last month, has been working with Chinese officials in the negotiations.

    Black shank disease is a disease caused by a fungus that can kill the ****seed crop, but there is no human health risks.

    It does not pose a major Canadian crop threat, because there are a variety of crops with resistance.

    But the disease is often found in ****seed.

    Li Xijie has said that China has huge reserves of ****seed, it wants to ban Canadian ****seed to reduce its supply.

    However, with Harper's visit to China, Canada-China relations have thawed, the two sides in the supply of ****seed on the increase rather than decrease."
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