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    So my challenge stands on show me the positive salmonella in Canola meal.


      Now if humans would get as good nutrition as pets.



        Salmonella is found in most meal processing facilities as meal processing facilities were not set up to meet human food grade standards. This 'business' with the US stems from the human health salmonella scare from last year (everyone remember the peanuts?).

        The US government is essentially covering their asses and addressing public concerns relating to human health even tho canola meal is not fed to humans but enters their country.

        They test for salmonella at the border off rail cars and the cars sit until clearance is attained. PITA! But the issue needs to be addressed because salm in meal means lower meal prices for crushers, means they need to capture more money from oil to make up the diff or pay a farmer less.

        Hope this helps.


          Hopperbin, the FDA has detected Salm in shipments and that is why they get turned around.

          Interesting tho that US plants are not being held to the same standard as Cdn plants. Can you say non tariff trade barrier?


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