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Open market stays positive.

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    Open market stays positive.

    Despite outside influances(china,sammonella(sp), B/S G.M. matterial and others) open markets are doing well.
    As I watch the markets over the past two months, one thing demands attention. Open market peas-lentils mustard-canola-et al, prices are staying relativly strong and board grains are very slugish. A huge majority of farms are/will be bankrolling their farms yet again on off board grains/oilseeds and pules crops yet again. It makes me wounder time and time again how farmers can countinue to support state run agenceies for the welfare of their farms? I guess they love to live in poverty, eh burbot, agstar? As long as they think their neighbour does not make one penny more than them they are satisfied with the status quoe I guess?

    world wheat markets and world malt barley markets aren't doing well at all relative to everything else. Easy to blame the CWB and no doubt the system certainly doesn't allow farm business the flexibility to do their own thing, but don't kid yourself, there's too much wheat in the world.


      Wish I could grow the same wheat and got the same price this fall as across the boarder.


        Its logical and easy to agree with furrow's analysis; but its only a small part of a much bigger healthy farm picture. Will any more than a few readers consider those implications.
        There are more farning sectors than grains/oilseeds. Are they all doing well overall? How is their infrastructure changing (slaughter capacity; world markets security; future outlook; share of industry profits etc). For that matter; how does the grain/oilseeds sector measure up on these same issues? I suspect not well.
        For every farm sector; where is/ has the new blood come from; where's the optimism and who is sharing that optimism? Where's the commitment of the largest individual farmers to say continuing another 25 years and making sure the enterprise is handed on? Is this one of the initial steps to wealthy foreign countries ensuring their food supplies? Where do you get the labor to handle thousands of acres or tens of times times that amount? For large farms who shares the majority of what should be large profits (and why shouldn't those large operations not be extemely profitable on an ongoing basis). Are they really profitable? really too risky? etc.. Are the "foreign " immigrants", "woofers", "nannies" and "exchange students" being used as a new form of slavery; and having impacts on Canadian employment as well as the new residents.
        If you won't consider these problems and failings; then I won't mention many other overlooked changes and effects that many persons never see in their personal small world.


          One of the new varieties of HRS was developed across the border, so you can grow the same wheat!


            Classic agstar logic! You can grow 'one' of the US varieties so that's just like being able to grow 'any' and 'all' US varieties. LOL!


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