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More on CWB and Saudi Wheat giveaway

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    Good point smallguy BUT remember this -it was the farmers CHOICE to sell or not.

    AND if a farmer signed a 100 tonne contract at that price - he hauled it in. None of this 40% nonsense of which 25% is still left over from a previous contract at a higher price. Think durum.


      Smallguy if the wheat board can't do better than average, why do we need a compulsory wheat board? In exchange for taking away our property rights we were promised "premiums",remember.

      Well they've never done better than average and their premiums are nothing but empty words. I'm sorry but I want my property back.


        Same old story. The only thing I like about the CWB is the fact that I have a measuring rod to see how bad I kick the shit out of them in average price at the end of the year. I think they only beat us once since Fixed and DPC came out. Beating them at there own set of rules is priceless. Just imagine if they played by the rest of the worlds rules. Bye Bye



          Not to pick on you but sorry this is Canada you have no property rights. That is the root of this issue.( and many others)


            No argument there.

            I was talking specifically about the right to sell my wheat and barley to whomever I choose. Just like I have the right to do so when it comes to other crops such as oats and canola.


              Compare current wheat deals to 2008 wheat deals.

              Translated. Note the date please.

              Said the Egyptian General Authority for Supply Commodities, said it had bought 145 thousand tons of wheat for shipment from 16 to 31 August

              The master Hefny, vice president of procurement that included 25 tons of Ukrainian wheat at $ 321 per ton and 60 thousand tons of U.S. or Canadian wheat at $ 337 per ton shipments of Russian wheat each 30 thousand tons at $ 326 per ton.

              And the prices are all inclusive of freight charges.

              The commission said on Tuesday said it wants to buy 55 thousand to 60 thousand tons of optional origin wheat for shipment from 16 to August 1.

              Egypt and the largest importers of wheat in the world and has already bought 825 thousand tons in the current fiscal year, which started early July.

              The Supply Commodities Authority bought about 6.5 million tonnes in the previous fiscal year, mostly from Russia and the United States and Kazakhstan, along with smaller quantities from France and Canada.



                ALL Translated from Arabic. Only portions


                BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A General Company for Grain that Iraq is one of the largest grain importers in the world intends to continue to buy wheat in 2010 taking advantage of falling prices, and obtained a loan of $ 500 million to cover the purchases of grain.

                "Said Hassan Ibrahim, acting director of the company told Reuters in an interview late on Tuesday," We bought 300 thousand tons (of wheat) to cover our needs for the months of January and February 2010.

                "The decline in wheat prices in the United States, Australia and other exporting countries and have taken this opportunity and we bought grain."

                Trade sources said that the company bought earlier this month, 200 thousand tons of wheat from AT. De. Or the U.S. for about $ 203 per ton price of free on board (FOB).

                Ibrahim said it had bought 100 thousand tons during the auction of a European company at 259.85 per ton, the cost of comprehensive insurance and freight (CIF).

                " He said, "We have concluded an agreement with the Trade Bank of Iraq, and we got a loan of $ 500 million and thus paid off each (amount owed) Once the Parliament to settle the subject of budget we will respond with the loan (the Commercial Bank of Iraq)."

                The United States has become the main source of grain to Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003.


                  Hey guys. The CWB are government employees whose job is to make the wheat crop go away, not to maximize returns to the farmer. Heck, a recent survey showed that close to half our citizens have a negative attitude towards farmers. There is no reason to believe that CWB employees are any different. Support for the CWB by farmers mystifies me.


                    Happytrails; I was just wondering which survey you are refering to and where to read.


                      "The CWB are government employees whose job is to make the wheat crop go away."

                      Apparently that doesn't apply to durum.


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