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Federal Government Announcement on Malt Barley

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    Federal Government Announcement on Malt Barley

    I see the federal government is announcing something on investing in the malt barley industry today. will need to be watched.

    [URL="http://news.gc.ca/web/article-eng.do?m=/index&nid=503129"]malt barley announcement[/URL]

    some funding for cmbtc


      Government of Canada Working to Promote Canadian Malting Barley in Key International Markets

      WINNIPEG, Manitoba, December 17, 2009 – The Government of Canada is working to get more international buyers bidding on Canadian barley by investing in innovation through the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC). Member of Parliament James Bezan (Selkirk-Interlake) announced the $400,000 investment as part of the AgriMarketing program.

      “Our Government is proud to support the Centre as they are key to opening new markets around the world for our innovative and competitive malting barley,” said MP Bezan, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “This investment will help our farmers and food processors boost their bottom line by selling more of their safe, high-quality, world-class barley around the world.”

      This investment will help CMBTC evaluate and promote new varieties that Canadian growers can plant and export to new niche markets around the world. The project will target key markets in Taiwan and India and provide export and technical support for Canadian producers.

      “Support from the Government of Canada is crucial to the development of new varieties, providing technical assistance to customers worldwide, and executing programs that highlight the quality attributes of Canadian malting barley to maltsters and brewers around the world,” said Rob McCaig, CMBTC’s Managing Director and Director of Brewing.

      The CMBTC provides education, training, research and technical marketing support for the Canadian malting barley marketing industry both domestically and internationally. In 2008, international exports of malt amounted to nearly 691,000 tonnes at a value of $423 million, while 2.3 million tonnes of barley were exported at a value of $730 million.

      The AgriMarketing program provides funding to implement long-term international strategies such as international market development, brand building and industry-to-industry trade advocacy.


        Be still my beating heart.

        Another "investment"(read subsidy, hand-out, bailout, etc.)

        How's about just getting out of the way already!


          Actually, this could be useful, if it was driven by the industry and not the CWB. Even if the CWB disappears, a mkt development group could be a good thing. Just my two cents.


            If the CWB wasn't getting in the way, maybe industry would already be doing this.


              If the feds really wanted to stimulate the malt industry in Cda, I can think of one thing that would really make a difference. Can you guess what it is?


                free beer for christmas?


                  Beer and popcorn? That sounds like the ghost of liberals past.


                    Wouldn't have something to do with taking the words "marketing" and "Choice" and putting them together just like they did during elections now would it?


                      A tip o' the glass for the correct answer.

                      If they can't do that, then how's about at least a lump of coal in the form of free export permits?


                        I don't think that would get past the Scrooge's at 423 mainstreet.



                          It is simply astonishing that the CWB will destroy the good will they have... to retain barley and the small power that barley marketing brings them.

                          Every day that goes by... the more proof accumulates that the CWB claims of market power are a scam.

                          BLIND... they (Those at the CWB) really think we are all fools back on the farm in our 'designated area' bunkers?

                          Please; don't answer that question!


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