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CWB initials

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    CWB initials

    What has happened to the initial prices from the CWB,our marketing professionals The initial usually moves up a bit though the year, Have they sqandered our money,invested it in bonuses to their stressed out workers. Or under cut the world price so much that there won't be any left for us slaves to their system. Remember it is their wheat. In the US high protein wheat is demanding a premium but up here we get a bit more but the rest is POOLED with other non productive farmers.Yes pool the protein why not pool the freight so we all equal......too. Give us an initial increse now!!!!!!! My rant for today..

    Alot of the wheat from eastern SK and Manitoba goes to Minneapolis, and nearby for milling. Why are we paying freight to East or westcoast ports? Better yet, why have our own mills never taken off, or even started?


      ANSWER IS === C W B control.


        The same reason malt barley growers in our area have west coast freight deducted from their cheques when the barley is trucked to the malt plant at Biggar. CWB's way of equality.


          Or could it be why the price of canola is not much higher when delivered to a domestic crusher vs export


            While most of the US wheat movement will come out of the eastern prairies it's probably not as much as you think. CGC weekly stats show that of the 5.2217 million tonnes of wheat exported this year only 234,900 has been shipped prairie direct to the US - about 5% of the total. And in that number is some wheat that went to Mexico as well as through the centre gulf to the Caribean. As to why you don't get the premium US price, it's becuase the CWB will equate all sales to a Lawrence or Vancouver position. So if the market in Minneapolis is $200 and it costs $30 to get there from where you are then the wheat is worth $170 in western Canada. If if costs $50 to get to either the Lawrence or Vancouver then a "sale value" of $220 is mixed into the pool. Same deal on canola, the export market at Vancouver may be 30 over the futures but the local western Canadian market may be 20 under at the elevator. Canola is a little different in that there is a more even balance between domestic use and export use so there will be times when it simply doesn't make sense to export seed out of a certain area because the domestics need to so bad.


              Interesting. I planted one third of my land to canola. 2 3rds of my gross income is from Canola. Does it really matter where this shit is priced from? Or where it is going? The price is the price. The question is why do most farmers still believe in the CWB?


                Of course the CWB should not deduct west coast freight off our checks. I step on their heads for that. We should have a saskatchewan delivery point and have a 0 basis at Saskatoon. Of course it would not make any difference to our grain checks but at least we get to see that that is the price at this location which is where we farm.


                  Then if half our grain gets exported then we can see what the freight to port is. Why should every bushel get export freight put on it when it does not go for export? Why should Alberta have X frieght less than Sask. When one third of the wheat is used here?


                    You're right in that a third of the wheat is used "here", but here is a big place. This year Canada grew 21 million tonnes of wheat (not including durum as that's another kettle of fish). So 7 million is used for a variety of things - 2.5 for milling but how much would be milled in SK, half a million with the two mills in town. maybe another 1.5 million for the various ethanol plants, maybe another 2 - 2.5 for feed and then maybe 500-1 mlyn for seed. Rest has gotta go out, or stay at home.They all have different uses, with different competing substitutes. Maybe Saskatoon can be the "0" basis point, but most of the wheat moves away in various directions, as do many of the products that are milled,eaten or distilled. Does that mean that the further you get from Saskatoon should the "basis" increase, decrease or should everyone get the same price in the CWB world. With or without the CWB, wheat of equivalent quality is probably going to be worth less in Saskatchewan versus Alberta or Manitoba. Anyhow, at this time we need blood heading away from the brain and to our stomachs - Merry Christmas to everyone and heartfelt thank-you to all of you that feed us here in the cities.



                      The reason the CWB is so unjust... is that managers refuse to assign fair value to our board grains... it matters not where they are located inside the CWB 'jailhouse' in western Canada.

                      It is NOT the CWB Act that is responsible. IT IS CWB managers and lawyers.

                      We should have a cash price every single day of the year... with the option to send Board grains to the CWB pool if that is our decision as a grain grower.

                      Treating CWB 'designated area' inmates with the status of slaves... with such disdain... telling us CWB slave growers that we cut the grain markets apart... (which WSTRN CDN Canola proves not to be the case) is simple treason.

                      These people at 423 Main are simple hypocrites with seared consciences.

                      AND they would verbally crucify anyone in a moment... who dares to bring these issues to their (or the western CDN grain slaves) attention... spending millions of the slaves own 'blood sweat and tears' earnings to brainwash us into continuing to believe the foolish lies they spew out of the 423 propaganda machine.

                      IAN WHITE... you should hang your head VERY low... you have turned out as bad as the worst of the worst CWB fibber.

                      Now have a Happy NEW YEAR... and may 2010 bring freedom and honest reform at the CWB not built on lies and deceit!!!

                      May the CWB no longer be... 'Where the lowest price is the law' and grain growers are jailed for attempting to make a fair living!!!


                        I agree with you Tom4 but why are there so many farmers like Ritter,Korneychuk,Flaman etal that have it in there head that there is something good about the CWB. These guys would sell there own souls to protect this ass backwards outfit. They can't be stupid maybe just lazy hey?



                          It is very sad to see the likes of Flaman... sell his soul for money and power... for what?

                          The Culture at the CWB itself (423 Main) is a very big part of the problem.

                          What is the basic issue?

                          Arrogance and a failure to respect the very Western CDN farmers who must deal with these very same people at 423 Main.

                          " BUT T O M ... we know what is best for you and your family... it is a matter of perspective!" they say at the CWB...

                          Then adding... " If we (at the CWB)didn't take your grain from you... someone else would fleecing you even more!"

                          The CWB has failed to stand on guard the very ethical standards they were retained by grain growers to maintain:


                          1. Do unto others as you would have done unto you,

                          And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;

                          Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;

                          2. The two fundamental principals of common law:

                          * Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and

                          * Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally.

                          3. These maxims in common law which include:

                          a) That for every wrong there is a remedy,

                          b) The end does not justify the means,

                          c) Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,

                          d) Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,

                          e) Two wrongs do not make a right, and

                          f) One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.

                          Every single day these folks (at 423 Main)go to work.... deep down they know they are break the very ethical standard... that create fair civilisation... that in turn differentiate human beings from the rest of the simple animal life; on this little planet earth third from the 'sun'.... a part of the Milky Way... one of billions of galaxies in the known (by humans) universe!!!!

                          If we (as people) do not stand for these very simple principals... then we may as well be: just sand somewhere on an earth ocean shore, Venus, Mars, or in a nebula a trillion light years away!!!!!!


                            Tom I agree, but man you need a holiday far from the CWB.
                            Anyone who still suports the CWB after the last two years is beyond help, IMO



                              Just must get out of prision for a few days... what better place than to bring the new year in...: In Hay River NWT... not a part of the CWB Designated Area!!!

                              I will think of you all... as the Diesel Jeep we drive crosses into freedom land... from AB to NWT (at minus 35)!

                              OK it is way too obvious... I have been in the CWB "Designated Area" prision far too long!

                              Happy NEW Year!!!

                              <(>;{ GRIN


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