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Angry farmers lash out at AWB failures

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    Angry farmers lash out at AWB failures

    Angry farmers lash out at AWB failures Blair Speedy From: The Australian December 24, 2009 12:00AM Increase Text SizeDecrease Text SizePrintEmail Share
    Add to DiggAdd to del.icio.usAdd to FacebookAdd to KwoffAdd to MyspaceAdd to NewsvineWhat are these?WHEAT growers have slammed the board and management of AWB Ltd for turning their backs on the farmers the company was originally intended to serve.
    In a demonstration outside the company's Melbourne headquarters before its annual meeting, third-generation wheat farmer and shareholder Mark Dwyer compared the company's $460 million capital raising earlier this year, which shifted majority control of the company from growers to institutions, to the Iraqi oil for food scandal.

    "I don't see the difference between what went on in Iraq and the kickbacks they've just made to institutional shareholders by selling shares at $1 when the price was $1.25," he said.

    AWB was in 2005 discovered to have paid almost $300m to Saddam Hussein's Iraqi government under cover of a UN humanitarian program, a scandal that in July 2008 led the federal government to strip the company of its "single desk" monopoly on bulk wheat exports.

    Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
    Related CoverageGrain trader plummets Herald Sun, 10 Feb 2009
    AWB fends off a third lawsuit The Australian, 1 Oct 2008
    Growers get choice on export Herald Sun, 11 Sep 2008
    AWB granted wheat export licence Daily Telegraph, 11 Sep 2008
    AWB to end dual class structure Adelaide Now, 3 Sep 2008
    .End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
    Grower Jock Munro said that, in losing the single desk, growers had also lost a range of crucial services previously supplied by AWB, which had functioned as a buyer of last resort and allowed growers to borrow against the value of their future harvest.

    Now, rather than sell their wheat into a national pool, growers were holding on to their grain in hopes of getting better prices, and in the process incurring storage costs and risking further price falls.

    "A company that we once owned and built up over 60 years is now a basket case," he said.

    Farmers were being made to pay for the mistakes of the AWB directors and management in Iraq, he said. "The only losers have been growers." He said growers had lost an estimated $1bn because AWB no longer hedged wheat prices, while the lack of co-ordinated marketing meant Australian wheat had lost market share to Canada, where a single desk export monopoly was still in place.

    During the meeting, chairman Peter Polson -- who was appointed in October 2008 -- said he and the rest of the board had had "absolutely nothing to do" with the decision to scrap the single desk system and that farmers had no choice but to get used to the idea.

    "The people that have stood up and said they are upset about the loss of the single desk and that AWB is no longer a statutory authority -- that animosity in Jock's lifetime will not disappear.

    "The nature of AWB has changed, and there's no denying it -- we have competitors we've never had before and the world is a very different place," he said.

    Shareholders later voted by a 54 per cent majority to reject the company's remuneration report, which included bonuses to senior executives despite the company reporting a net loss of $248m for the 2008-09 financial year.

    Why so angry? They got what they wanted. Let it play out, we will learn from this.


      some of the anger is from farmers who hung onto there awb shares wether they supported awb or not.
      But mostly its about those who supported the previous marketing system and are still looking for scapegoats.

      Its interesting that despite the denials rumours are awb couldnt get rid of the single desk quick enough once the floodgates sttarted to open but i reinterate that is heresay, but the system when benchmarked in last few years of its life was lagging in the grwer return stakes when compared with cash marketing.

      Can be a hinderance trying to sell such of volume of wheat throughout the at a premium.Single desk previous strength all of a sudden has become its weakness


        OK;the directon of this post will no doubt be to show how valuable the CWB is and use the AWB as an example of how we must not lose the CWB.
        IF we were to give up the CWB; or have it taken away or whatever; then we also lose the points below; AND MORE.

        checking posted Oct 5, 2009 20:48
        Excellent point MR Weber.

        Now why isn't there a valid connection between CWB "Code of Ethics" and/or "Conficts of Interest" Guidelines which surely the CWB has. Surely this Vader post was not approved by the CWB organization.

        As was stated by a previous poster; this Vader rant was referred to the secretary of the Chairman of the CWB shortly after being published.
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        oneoff posted Oct 4, 2009 3:39
        And then there is the CWB Weatherbug business.
        The manufacturer of the hardware and software is Davis who has many retailers (who sell the base package for $595 US or much less (Vantage Pro2 6152)). There are a couple extras in the CWB kit to publish the recognized spyware to the internet, and overal the CWB package certainly isnt the cheapest.
        Where the CWB really tries to hose users is by charging for access to something that should be; and is available for free. This is straight from the CWB web pages.

        "Access to the weather centre, through CWB e-Services at www.cwb.ca, is available for a subscription of $99 per year for farmers with a CWB weather station and $199 a year for those without. ....

        With a worldwide network of weather sensors, WeatherBug Tracking Stations and cameras, WeatherBug maintains the largest exclusive weather network in the world. The weather-tracking stations are wireless and solar-powered and require a high-speed Internet connection. They measure wind speed and direction, humidity, precipitation, temperature, barometric pressure and dew point. The general public can access live, local weather information and forecasts through the WeatherBug Web site at http://weather.ca.weatherbug.com .

        ..... Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world. One of Canada’s biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to over 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less marketing costs, to farmers."

        You can bet the CWB is monitoring all this weather data (which is another topic REMEMBER THE RULES); and it will be done though the Weatherbug archive at


        Username "Canola" Password "Grower"

        Thankyou Canola Council of Canada. Guess what I think of the CWB in regards to my funding a weather gathering system though the CWB; using my internet bandwidth and then having the nerve to try to charge everyone $199 per year on top of it all.
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        oneoff posted Oct 4, 2009 3:46
        An through the magic of the search enine we find a concise summary of an injustice that should keep CWB directors from sleeping at night

        TOM4CWB posted Apr 19, 2008 19:33
        Dear Vader;

        I this a very interesting issue... thanks for offering you thoughts:

        1. Pedigreed Seed for planting purposes gets a 'No Cost' export license... Common Seed graded by exactly the seeds Act... for planting... must pay the 'Buy Back'.

        2. Manufactured Feed made out of 100% wheat and barley get a no-cost export license... feed barley and wheat must pay the 'buy-back.

        3. Organic Wheat and barley used for human consumption... pays $3.32/t for an export license... while at the same time the CWB asked me for over $500/t.

        Vader, 20 years ago... before Goodale and the fusarium problem in Manitoba embarrassed the Prairie Pools (CDN Fusarium infested wheat was worth more in the US than the CWB and Pools paid for top quality milling wheat)... we as 'designated area' growers were allowed to export... without buybacks to the CWB...
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        oneoff posted Oct 4, 2009 3:56
        And then there was Vaders rant against large greedy durum producers. Vader really was/is a CWB director; as proven by directly asking him; which he certainly didn't deny shortly after posting his offensive comments. The original post just now escapes me; and apparently was deleted from the agriville archives. Don't worry; I have a copy somewhere and hope someone else can save me the work of finding this classic.
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        oneoff posted Oct 4, 2009 4:54

        In 2008/09, CWB officials elected to accept only 74% of durum wheat offered by prairie farmers, forcing them to carry over 26% of their durum supplies to this crop year or to sell into the much lower priced feed market.

        The CWB's latest Pool Return Outlook, released today, is projecting a final return of $4.62 per bushel for #1 durum wheat (13.0% protein) for the 2009/10 crop year, basis Saskatchewan. This compares to a projected final return of $8.47 per bushel in the 2008/09 crop year.

        According to Agriculture Canada, durum yields across the prairies in 2008 averaged 34 bushels per acre. This means that the CWB's decision to hold back durum sales will end up costing prairie farmers $34 per acre (34 bushels/acre x $3.85 x 26%) or a loss of more than $200 million on a prairie-wide basis (6 million durum acres in 2008 @ $34 per acre), excluding storage and interests costs.

        What's worse is that the CWB's monopoly did not generate higher returns for western Canadian farmers in the 2008/09 crop year. While Saskatchewan durum growers can expect to receive $8.47 per bushel for last year's crop, the prices received by Montana durum growers over the same time period averaged Cdn $9.29 per bushel for the same quality durum (#1, 13% protein). Moreover, Montana farmers were able to receive all of their money upfront, whereas Canadian farmers will have to wait until December to receive full payment for their 2008/09 deliveries and December 2010 for the 26% carried over into this crop year.

        "Where's the CWB's single desk premium?" asks Stephen Vandervalk, Alberta Vice President of the Wheat Growers. "Not only do we get a lower price, but we end up incurring higher storage and interest costs. On top of that, we've lost a ton of money on the durum we involuntarily carried over into this crop year."
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        oneoff posted Oct 4, 2009 5:20
        Been loking for some Vader posts that have gone missing from the agriville archives over the years. Any chance that something like "Out of respect for ------ censonship was used in these cases". would explain the missing posts. The archives do show that this has been insinuated in the past. Such things disturb me.
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        oneoff posted Oct 4, 2009 5:58
        There always should be a category for IF I TOLD YOU: YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT.
        Registered seed growers have a special status with the CWB in regards the sale of seed. Hopefully no one can diasagree with that. Consider that in rare times when all wheat is worth big bucks (as in a couple of years ago); that unsold Canadian registered or certified seed could be be sold to a US farmer for more money than it was possible to expect from selling into the CWB system. Its possible the American farmer had no intention to use it for seed; and could sell it though US elevators and make good money on the transaction.
        So the Canadian seed grower wins; and why wouldn't he remain a strong CWB supporter. The US farmer was happy; and couldn't lose. The CWB probably wouldn't do anything; because such things are best swept under the rug; and they'd just lose another strong supporter.
        Still it doesn't seem right; or maybe its a lot worse than that; and maybe even reason enough to get the CWB off Western Canadian Farmer's backs permanently.
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 11:29
        The 26% carry over of durum. The first thing the cwb has to do when figuring their imaginary premium is this. Take the 26% and times it by the loss on the carry to the 09/10 year and factor it into the 09/10 pricing.

        So lets say you grow 10000 bushels of durum. 2600 bu is left over - times that by a 2 buck loss at a minimum that is a 5200 buck loss. On 10000 bushels thats a 52 cent per bushel loss off the current pricing. Then Mr. Hill can start squawking about what the current price is.

        What really pisses me off is farmers pay dearly for cwb staff to figure if it would be better to accept 100% and lower the price by 25cents a bushel or force them to carry and take a 2-3 dollar loss on the next crop year. Its not rocket science.

        But I think the real reason they didn't accept the durum in the 08-09 year is because most farmers over contract and they don't know whats out there for durum stocks. Too many farmers would have been caught on not being able to deliver. Then what would the cwb do. They got caught short wheat not to long ago. Cost hundreds of millions.
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 11:33
        Compendium - a short summary of the main points or ideas of a larger work.

        Sorry, I had to look that monster word up. For clarity only - not to be sarcastic.
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 11:40
        Vader aka Rocking Roddy Flaman gave up posting. Maybe a good thing, although, for a wanna be politician he never quit putting his foot in his mouth. It was priceless.

        I would say he would top the list for being a *****/prick though.
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 11:44
        How about the millions the cwb spent on lawsuits against the conservative government only to find out they are not above the government. Just wish the government had the backbone they were elected to have.

        Made for a great relationship. The sad part is most of the directors were/are daddy's little boys and carried that into the board room. They didn't realize the government wanted to wean them and have the cwb grow up.
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        dirtgirl posted Oct 4, 2009 11:47
        Please someone find Vader's post about durum producers. I have often thought about that post and wish I had printed it off.

        How about the last year of the DPC when 2 guys were able to sign up 25% of the available tons?
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 12:02
        If you go to the bottom of this page and press search, then put durum in the search, discussion forums, and ALL. Its item 87 - farmers making millions and millions.

        I don't know how to link it into the thread but everyone should read this from time to time just to make the blood boil. It might loosen some colestrol.
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        checking posted Oct 4, 2009 12:20
        Oneoff - your Oct 04, 2009, 5:58 post. It happened, at least once. I know the registered seed grower, know who the U.S. farmer was that bought the entire Barrie wheat production of the seed grower, and know the U.S. elevator it was delivered to. Sweet deal all around. Nothing underhanded here. Just the fairness system working its magic at the CWB.
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        parsley posted Oct 4, 2009 12:56

        (for you, Bucket)

        (Some Durum Vader)

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        parsley posted Oct 4, 2009 13:16
        I ran off pages ten years ago.

        Back then the Wheat Board boldly proclaimed that they could not issue export licenses to farmers.

        Farmers meekly accepted what they said.

        Organics fought it.
        Cut and paste into Google for entire transcript:

        "Mr. David Anderson: You presently give no-cost licences to producers in certain areas as well, right?

        Mr. Ken Ritter: That's in Jim's area.

        Mr. Jim Thompson: A Quebec producer who certified his product was grown in the province of Quebec would be granted an export licence, without having to pay any fee into the pool account."

        And Western farmers contimue to meekly accept bullying stupidity. Pars
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        parsley posted Oct 4, 2009 13:21
        The Chairman of the CWB was asked if the CWB could issue licenses to producers, and he deferred the question to staff.

        Good thing Ritter wasn't standing in front of my foot that day.

        And Thompson said "Quebec."

        But he didn't say that the CWB also issues export licenses to Western producers as well.

        When they take the notion. Pars
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 14:26

        I clicked on the (for you bucket) and got an internal error.

        The other one brings up the search.

        I think dirtgirl wanted the post in this thread and I don't know how. Maybe you could insert that post into this thread for all to review again.
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        parsley posted Oct 4, 2009 15:27
        Go to the bottom of this page.

        Click on site map.
        Click on site search

        Enter "Vader " in search box
        (or durum, or Parsley, or bucket or whatever!)

        Also Click on discussion forums
        Also open window and click on ALL instead of 5.

        Enjoy. Pars

        You will be ready for tending to your fall chickens aka wringing necks when you go through some of the archived Vader posts. LOL
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        checking posted Oct 4, 2009 16:01
        Extremely glad that agri-ville.com didn't tinker with this classic. My apologies to this site. I can now have some sympathy for understandable reasons for Webmasters pulling a very few inappropriate posts that could cause obvious legal problems. The rant is just as offensive and revealing as it originally was. Take it for what its worth.. It now shows up on the search list as #88

        Vader posted Jan 26, 2008 12:20
        talked to a farmer yesterday whose durum went 70 bushels per acre. On 2000 acres the gross revenue is $1,750,000.00.

        I have heard similar stories around Kindersley and Swift Current of durum that went 50 bushels per acre. Now that is only $650,000 for a thousand acres but in that case the lentils and canola took him well into the millions as well.

        I hear all the time here on angryville the time people like Saskfarmer bitching about the CWB because he can't get $17.00 for his durum and he blames this on the CWB.

        In the case of a few rich farmers who can sit on all of their grain while the raging masses sell out early perhaps Saskfarmer has a legitimate argument. Perhaps we did cost him $5.00 per bushel on his durum. Perhaps it ran 50 bushels per acre and perhaps he had a thousand acres. And perhaps he could have earned an additional quarter of a million dollars.

        I could argue that this is a zero sum game and that on the flip side there is another farmer that could have had the same 50 bushel crop on the same acreage base of 1000 acres and he could have sold his durum for $7.00 per bushel and for that farmer we made him an extra quarter million dollars. I could argue that for the health of the community it is better that the second farmer is able to pay down his debt and remain a constructive player in the industry and the community while poor Saskfarmer was prevented from expanding his farm by another section. The section that farmer number two may have sold after making his decision to sell his durum at 7.00.

        But it is not a zero sum game. In fact we know that the CWB is asking $22.00 per bushel for durum today when the US elevator price reported here on Agri-vill is only $17.00. Now those elevators will sell your durum for $22.00 if they can get their hands on it.

        So we see that for starters the CWB is keeping about $5.00 per bushel out of the handling companies pockets and putting it in farmers pockets right now.

        Further we know that the average weighted selling price of durum in the US according to the North Dakota Wheat commission is about $10.00. This is further proof of the value of the CWB. The CWB has added to the bottom line of Canadian farmers on a 3 million tonne program an extra $73.00 per tonne or $220,000.00.

        So yes the downside is that we kept Saskfarmer from buying another section of land where he might next year make enough extra money to buy out another suffering neighbor who had to sell a section to Saskfarmer.

        The upside is that the Ag industry in Canada made an extra almost quarter of a BILLION DOLLARS.

        And that is just on Durum.

        Wait till you see my analysis on Spring Wheat and Malt Barley.

        Rod Flaman
        CWB Director - District 8

        Oh and by the way. The CWB Rocks.
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 16:38
        Thanks checking. That's the top ***** that should be remembered. And vader/rod flaman/liberal candidate is at the top of the list. Amazing this guy quits posting or providing his analysis.
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        parsley posted Oct 4, 2009 17:00
        And what is scarey is that other farmers elected him.

        Probably because they did not want to see Sask Farmer get ahead.

        The vote of envy.

        Remember that when it comes to taxation of corporate farms.

        Few voters will give one hoot in hell if local desperate politicians regulate you at a 80% tax rate. And then you fall on your head. Pars
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        mbratrud posted Oct 4, 2009 17:47
        Thanks Rod, I am sure glad the CWB has my best interest at heart... I'm glad I dont have to be one of those evil rich farmers getting ahead.. This year all you directors should get huge bonuses for making sure we didnt sell to much Durum last year, and carrying it over so we could give it away this year. Just think of the Taxes you saved us, and again we dont have to expand our farms because we are barely above the cost of production with the most recent PRO. Your doing just a fabulous job!
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        cottonpicken posted Oct 4, 2009 20:46
        Mbratrud-incase you never figured it out we know each other.Told you one time "man that noodle durum thing could be huge".
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        cottonpicken posted Oct 4, 2009 20:47
        We where at "the" breakfast.
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        oneoff posted Oct 4, 2009 21:12
        Anyone know the date that Vader quit publishing his personal comments about our farm businesses?. I ask because there was a "code of ethics" type of complaint made to the secretary of the CWB Board chairman shortly after the unbelievable post made by the CWB director.
        No one from th CWB ever got back to me concerning any action taken.
        So; I'll add to the list that the CWB apparently condones very low standards of conduct.
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 22:12
        Isn't the internet great. It can remember things like this that most would have forgotten. Its right there in black and white from Rocking Roddy himself. Forever for all others to see and be reminded the next time a person goes to a cwb meeting.

        Here is another *****. I went to the Calgary meeting and producers, even the huts, said there were too many producers payment options (ppo's). SO instead of getting rid of some programs - the cwb hires so called experts you can call to get an explanation because the lazy asses at the 800 number can't be bothered to figure things like that out and explain it to producers over the phone.

        And since I am going to play by the rules.....
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        bucket posted Oct 4, 2009 22:14
        .... the next ***** from the cwb is the 800 number lazy asses themselves.

        I talked to one girl there that couldn't understand why it took three years to get paid for my durum crop. Idiots.
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        mbratrud posted Oct 5, 2009 4:43
        CP - I have suspected you were someone I probably knew.. Unfortunatly I have been to many breakfasts and sat with many great people fire me an email mark@bratrudag.ca.

        ... More on my rant, I do believe that in the 07/08 crop year the CWB did save us farmers from themselves, There would have been lots of Durum sold for under $10/bu and all you need to prove that is look south of the border and see what US Farmers did. There would have been a few farmers that hit the top. BUT for Comments like this to be made by a director is something else. For the same reasons they did reasonably well in 07/08 they did they have screwed up the 2 following years.
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        oneoff posted Oct 5, 2009 8:00
        Sure the CWB saved some durum farmers from themselves in 2007/2008; but they did it at the expense of some other farmers. If the main purpose of the CWB is to ensure that one farmer can't do better than any others; then be consistant. The foundation of our economic system also will need some drastic changes to bring it into line with the CWB direction.
        Vader's true colors are shown in that rant. Just because he is now quit (for whatever reason) doesn't mean he isn't busy behind the scenes. Quiet busy guys can be the most dangerous.
        Maybe Vader did learn one lesson, but he has many more lessons to learn before I'd want him to represent me.
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        SASKFARMER3 posted Oct 5, 2009 9:32
        God I forgot about this post, OK maybe not. HA HA. Buddie you did stop me from getting a better price for my Durum. But you forgot most of us sell in Late fall and early winter who would have got the way higher prices paid in US if we had a free market. The world was short Durum last year and we had it. To bad you screwed us. You got me but you got every other farmer to.
        Also his comments on buying land HA HA HA. That's a good one.
        And this is what gets elected in Canada.
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        HFL posted Oct 5, 2009 13:22
        So Vader bragged about the CWB selling durum at $ 22. per bushel. The average price was what about $ 12.50? So they either didn't sell much at 22 or they sold an awful lot at give away prices.
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        bucket posted Oct 5, 2009 14:29
        we dumb farmers don't own calculators and we can't figure out that if you have 2 bushels of durum and you give one away for 0 and sell the other for 22 you still average 11 a bushel. Flaman believes he is smarter than everyone else.

        The real question isn't how much did they sell at 20 per bushel - its how much did the cwb give away to only average 12.50? Seems to me that their base price at the start of that crop year was 8 bucks a bushel. So quite frankly they did a shitty job of marketing. And furthur the US farmers kept a better price for the following years on their durum.
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        Hopperbin posted Oct 5, 2009 14:44
        Perhaps no one will listen to me but I believe I have something here. If the wheat board holds a pooled crop offered to them over into the next year say they hold over 20 percent or for one farmer that could equal say 200 tons. Should they not have a program to accept that 200 tons first and put it also on the previous years pro? Makes a lot of sense to me. And what do we need abc and fricken d for when we can offer within 95 percent to the a. There are just too many games here and I do enough of that with my girlfriends.
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        bucket posted Oct 5, 2009 15:15
        Why didn't the cwb just add that call to the 08-09 program? When they made the call there had been no durum harvested. The only durum that was available to plug the system was old crop. This nonsense cost me bin space, time and at the very least a sprayer payment.
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        Jagfarms posted Oct 5, 2009 18:40
        At least vader had the guts to sign his name to the post and is not hiding behind a user name that does not identify him. Its easy to ridicule someone for their own opinion when no one knows who you are. Isn't he entitled to have an opinion?.
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        mbratrud posted Oct 5, 2009 19:12
        I've read this statement a few times now and I cant believe what I'm reading! This is the same Rod Flamman that got his first mandate as a candidate against the monopoly...

        The Challange the board faces is they can't dump 4 million tonnes of Durum into the Market in a short period of time. With no futures hedge there was know way for them to sell it all at the highest price. Not defending them and believe me I would rather take a crack at selling my own. Just stating a fact. Just like we can't all sell our Lentils in the same month or Quarter even.
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        checking posted Oct 5, 2009 20:27
        Jagfarms asks if Rod Flaman is entitled to an opinion. Remember the author chose to highlight his CWB position as Member of th Board of Directors

        Vader's post is nothing more than an attempt to drag everyone down to his own sorry level. Apparently Flaman's preferred way is to deny or steal from those he feels he can't compete with. The sad part is that there is even one person who would condone or try to justify such a warped view of free enterprise economoics in the country and economic system (outside the CWB) that we must function in.

        By signing this post as a Director of the CWB; Vader is indicating that this outrageous statements are exactly what he advocates at the board table where he is supposed to be taking into consideration even the interests of those Vader sees as rich farmers. I don't see it as a directors job to see to it that a farmer is stopped from expanding his land base.

        It's a dangerous game to feel free d to covet another's possessions. This post tries to rationalize redistributing money according to someone's "opinion". If that attitude is widespread amonst CWB supporters; then consider this comment by a good friend of mine "they could take all our money away;.... and pretty soon we'd have it all back"

        I refer you to the actual words. Anyone who can't see why this post should be offensive to absolutely everyone; is a lost cause.

        "In the case of a few rich farmers who can sit on all of their grain while the raging masses sell out early perhaps Saskfarmer has a legitimate argument....... perhaps he could have earned an additional quarter of a million dollars........ I could argue that for the health of the community it is better that the second farmer is able to pay down his debt and remain a constructive player in the industry and the community while poor Saskfarmer was prevented from expanding his farm by another section. The section that farmer number two may have sold after making his decision to sell his durum at 7.00.........
        So yes the downside is that we kept Saskfarmer from buying another section of land where he might next year make enough extra money to buy out another suffering neighbor who had to sell a section to Saskfarmer. "

        Tis truly a sick and sorry bunch of comments
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        LWeber posted Oct 5, 2009 20:33

        Entitiled to his opinion?

        no he is not without disclosure.


        G. Public Comment

        Directors have an obligation to make official public comment within the parameters established by the Board approved Communications Policy . All other comments are to be clearly identified as personal opinion and not official Public Comment or CWB Policy.
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        checking posted Oct 5, 2009 20:48
        Excellent point MR Weber.

        Now why isn't there a valid connection between CWB "Code of Ethics" and/or "Conficts of Interest" Guidelines which surely the CWB has. Surely this Vader post was not approved by the CWB organization.

        As was stated by a previous poster; this Vader rant was referred to the secretary of the Chairman of the CWB shortly after being published.
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          Now, rather than sell their wheat into a national pool, growers were holding on to their grain in hopes of getting better prices, and in the process incurring storage costs and risking further price falls.

          Im not getting into cwb debate as you guys are entrenched with your system and it will NEVER change but the above statement doesnt ring true Pooling growers risk a fall in prices and entrusting marketing skill with AWB, Storing on ones own behalf risks a fall in prices nothing has changed except ownership of grain and growers have choice when to sell thus relying on individual marketing skill. In a falling market there only a fine line between the two except AWB had to make sales the farmer doesnt have to.



            Thanks for bringing this info to us!

            Having a wise leader who looks after farmer interests is very more often than not ... a VERY thankless job that pays 0.

            We do get exactly what we pay for... including the corporatization of the grain growing industry.

            Beating up on those who are trying to survive... and show a fair return on investment... is all too often a past time of left wingers... a state the coffee shop can launch a decent farmer into in often just seconds!

            Putting on the shoes of those who we hunt and execute for being selfish... simply shows us all too often we do not look in the mirror before we comment on the greed of those who are doing nothing more than we would do in their position!!!


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