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Believe it or not!

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    Believe it or not!

    It is not only snowstorms and South Dakota state troopers that can shut down I90 between Sioux Falls and Rapid City.

    Last week, the National Guard closed the interstate to escort a 1,000000 lb chunk of coal to Mount Rushmore where sculptors will begin carving the face of President Obama.

    Are you sure it's not a carving of Tiger Woods?



      Obama isn't 1/10th as bad as the CWB BOD deciding that they will only market 40% of western CDN 'designated area 'jail house' durum in 09-10...

      We could make a very large pile of grain on the door steps of 423 Main... with all the wheat and durum they just rejected!!!

      And hardly a squeak from us growers... whilst the enviro-wakos tell us that ethanol is starving our world to death!

      Why exactly doesn't the CWB get bad press for starving folks around the globe... to death; cause they won't let us sell our grain without massive buy-back fines????

      The CWB monopoly... where the lowest price is the law... and starving millions of hungry people to death the consequence!


        It looks like you're wound up today, Tom.

        It must be that chunk of coal in our stockings that we annually receive from the CWB.



          I could live with many of the ways the CWB does business... IF they (CWB Managers) would stop being pathological fibbing people that would respect our rights (as Western CDN grain farmers) to be human beings. How someone in Creston, or Ontario, or PEI is considered to have a brain and a soul... while I am not allowed this simple respectful consideration... burns me big time.

          I can not understand how these CWB folks can sleep at night... with the ditties they try to pass off on farmers each day they come to work... at the CWB... at my/our expense.

          No wonder what they do is inefficient and a massive mess. The IT system alone has made some very rich contracted techies../multinationals.... at our expense as growers without any option but get ....


            Happy New Year Tom!

            Just a question? Well, 2. Is that really true about the lump of coal? Doesn't coal of any origin start to crumble after a couple of years exposed to the elements? I suppose they will need to shelack(?) that as well. Sure that will be fine with the environmentalists.


              Actually I think that 1 million pound lump of coal is likely for crazy horse's horse. Cannot have a horse without a big pile of, umm haha


                Now if they start carving Obama's face on the lump of coal under Crazy Horse's horse's ass then I would not believe it. haha


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