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The top 10 BS things of 2009!

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    The top 10 BS things of 2009!

    Number 10 If you grow it they will come!
    Number 9 You have to buy the fert at that price because we had to pay our supplier that much for it.
    Number 8 The world is short of all commodities.
    Number 7 China and India are your friend and play buy the rules. HA HA.
    Number 6 Were sold out of all tractors combines and air drills but have we got a deal for you if you buy today.
    Number 5 Saskatchewan will wipe out or provincial debt in a few years. Sorry but have to hit that one.
    Number 4 The planet is getting warmer. Yea good one heat in trailer all summer.
    Number 3 The world is short of food and farmers will have to buy potash from us sooner or later.
    Number 2 Hogs and Cattle can only be down for so long and then will recover. (New protectionism ways to keep product out)
    Number 1 The CWB will achieve way better prices than farmers in ND got for their product because our system is superior to theirs.
    David Letterman would be proud or maybe he would just chase another one of his staffers.
    So as 2009 leaves us and 2010 comes on what will the BS issues be for this year. Total collapse of world grain prices, Sky high inputs as suppliers need cash. or just another BS year in farming.
    Happy New Year.

    Please continue with your list we need to liven up this site again so lets have it.


      1. CWB performance on Spring Wheat

      2. CWB performance on Malting Barley

      3. CWB performance on Durum

      4. Country of origin labeling in US

      5. Global warming ate my data

      6. The return(with a vengeance) of deficit spending

      7. The extra Liberal, Conservative government.

      8. Auto sector bailouts

      9. Planting canola at the end of May only to have it freeze.

      10. Terrorists now hiding bombs in their underwear.


        On second thought Wheat board basis and fixed price contracts should have made my list as well.


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