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Hello jeff nielsen

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    I will second that!!!


      don't want to continue it either bucket, I know your views and fully understand them, having a pro monopoly controlled board who's sole mission is to maintain that monopoly at any cost is what is the root of the problem.
      Those of us who can see a better future where things are different can only try our best to show that we need a better system in place to ensure we continue to provide our customers our best.
      As a board management marketing plan is appoved by the board, is it a complete consensus? no, yet majority rules. We then work to ensure that the CEO follows through on these marketing plans.


        Fair comments.

        Let me ask you the following questions:

        What happens to the ceo when the durum PRO comes out in february 2009 at a premium to wheat with no indication that acceptance levels would be horrible and the price falls through the floor by the time farmers have one of the best quality crops in the bin?

        Does he get a big fat raise - more than likely.

        Do you, as a board, question him as to what went wrong and tell him to make changes for the upcoming year?

        Or do you allow him to continue on his merry way with a completely ****ed up marketing approach and leave farmers holding the bag?

        It seems to me that we are in a bit of crisis in the durum market and farmers are left losing money while our high priced marketing agents can't even think of a better way and a board that allows them to do nothing.

        Do I think some heads should roll for the durum - you bet, but nothing will happen and there in lies the problem.

        Here is another question :

        If the same thing happens again in 2010/11 who would be to blame if the durum production comes in at 4.5 mmt?

        Does the cwb continue to blame farmers for following the PROs?

        Does Ward W/ sir ian get fired for not coming up with a better plan for the 2010/11 year.

        Or does the cwb board collectively make more excuses as to why the durum market is where it is?Or do they finally look in the mirror and say maybe we are part of the problem for doing nothing?

        The cwb board is to show leadership and making tough decisions and sometimes shake things up. You can't expect a different result with the same practices.

        If you don't see operations making the required changes then fire their lazy asses.

        And tell them to remember that farmers are not employees of the cwb - its the other way around.

        It seems to me that the board should round up management and maybe give them a collective boot in the ass and tell them to wake up. Obviously the motivation is not there to do their job effectively.



          Can you please explain the extent of the muzzle the free choice members of the board are under.

          It is puzzling to some as to how quiet board members get once they are elected.

          Perhaps ideas change with an off farm job?



            A couple of posts up you said the cwb made and error on the durum PRO last year but it reflected the world price at the time.

            Question: Why were farmers not allowed to at least lock in some of their production at that so called world price? Maybe that is an issue that should be addressed as well. American farmers were locking in those higher prices which may explain the US production jump.


              hey guys it's 5:55 am and I'm at Calgary airport on my way out of the country, if I don't get to respond to this today I will try when I can if I have internet service.
              great questions


                I'm not going to answer those questions as there is no answer, (well unless we fire a bunch of people) that will make you happy.
                We, as a board try to hold the CEO's feet to the fire as to the corporate plan set out yearly for objectives and sales.
                It is then his responsibility to ensure management follow through. Our role is to monitor that at every board meeting.
                Once again this March are the farmer forum meetings, it is there where you might have the CEO or management there to ask just the questions you have.


                  Yes the farmer forum meetings are great, if you love the wheat board.

                  What could be better? Free coffee, free lunch, some lovely powerpoint presentations to lull you down to sleep, and board employees never admitting to crappy performance or the benefit of freedom. Throw in some senior citizen producers who don't want to make any decisions and oodles of board loving hutterites getting a day off the colony (and a free lunch) - it doesn't get any grander than that.

                  (Wondering what the Wildrose party thinks about getting Alberta out from under this boot? Apparently Fast Eddy doesn't keep it on the radar)


                    Farmer forum meetings are a joke.

                    Old people who don't farm show up for a free meal or lunch.

                    I asked for the report that was prepared by ex cwb employees about the trading practices of the cwb. You see Jeff, some of my money went into that report and since the cwb is farmer controlled I believe I deserve a copy. Cammy Goff didn't think that the farmers should have a copy.

                    Actually now that I think of any of the questions I asked were never answered by that director. I guess its just not that important. Something like solving the durum problem over the last two board meetings. Just not that important.

                    I will remember these suggestions when the durum problem is not solved. The interesting thing is that solutions/ ideas that have been put forward to directors hill and nielsen and during these threads, if the cwb operations and/or directors fail to act on them then some of the problem falls directly on your shoulders.


                      Fair enough Jeff for the board to monitor the ceo performance at every meeting. But to what standard do hold him? I wouldn't call 09/10 a stellar year for benchmarking. And if you know that farmers asking for changes to the durum marketing strategy, don't you think you (and I mean you) should ask for something prior to the 10/11 year.

                      As I see it, you are in a unique position. You don't have alot of knowledge on durum so you bring a different perspective to the table and more outside of the box solutions.

                      Don't let them wear you down.


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