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One Earth Farms!

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    i'm sure sprott will find farming to be very profitable.


      tongue in cheek or do you think he will find the magic pill that the rest of us have been searching 40 to 50 years or more for.



        You may be right. If he can sucker Paul Martin into the mix - he is probably on his way to keep bringing others on board. Ralphie might be next. In my thinking, as long as he has got investors coming on board with this venture by getting more land (by hook or by crook) and the returns get paid out later he will be ok.

        Just follow Maddoff. This is a pyramid/ponzi scheme at best.


          I agree because stats will tell you farming profit over last 80 to 100 years 2% at best for rate of return. This is a con of gigantic proportions. I need an accountant to tell me what his chances are of getting money out of Fed programs if he shows huge start up losses over first 3 to 5 years. Someone is bankrolling this dream. Sorry its also not a slam at the very rich hell I know and have met allot of saskatchewan's wealthiest over the years their great. But farming I know and most on here know and their is no way in hell this is the magic pill for world domination.
          Does Big ski remind any one of similar scheme, BLA BLA BLA lots of hot air build mega mega mega then crash and burn. HM over and over and over. Lets start a new blog name all the disasters over the years lots of hype then crash. Where is write ups about Joe farmer who worked 60 to 70 years made a great living for his family educated his kids and had a great life. Never makes the news because why show clever when you have fools to build up then destroy. I love the media.


            out of the 15 million in share sales lately how much do you suppose went to sprott's management co. in fees? sprott will increase his wealth but the investors not so much. the deal with the grain handling equip co will end up being a wash because they handed one earth 2 million to buy a couple million in equipment. the lentil king will rather deal with one earth than five hundred other, smaller farmers. in the end though one earth will fail; it just remains to be seen how many go down with them. anybody who read the wp article about that round stone barn just north of indian head might recall that was the headquarters for a 53,000 acre farm in the 1880's. it lasted something like six or seven years. one earth isn't that new.


              The way I understand it is that the soil in Australia is very low in organic matter. Most of it is tied up in the vegetation. Remove the vegetation and you remove a good chunk of the organic matter and leave a very fragile and vulnerable soil behind. Leaving the trees and natural cover on these soils is probably the right thing to do BUT the farmer cannot carry the country on his back. The Government has to buy up this land at a fair price and own it as crown land. (In Australia and Canada)


                If he gets fed money because he is losing his shirt, then, if I was an investor, I would be getting out because the writing is on the wall. Right?

                One earth can't go to investors and instill confidence while asking the government to bail them out - can they?

                How would you promote that investment:

                One Earth Farms,
                Guaranteed returns from the government of canada?

                CSB's would do the same thing - wouldn't they?


                  lots of fortunes have been built on govt. money. haven't heard from jim rogers lately beating the drum for ag. commodities and lamborghinis. is he still hitting the business news and yelling a lot?


                    In my mind it all depends on their landlords - the chiefs.

                    How much/acre are they asking from these guys? Is it on a share basis?


                      He was blabbing at original news conference that they were going to pay above what current tenants were paying. Way above. Yea that's a good one.


                        It always disgusts me to see how quickly retailers and suppliers jump on board with these grand visionaries to get a piece of the action.

                        They turn their back on individual farms to pad their sales numbers and when things go south they cry the blues. It would be interesting to know the discounts that get written.


                          Sounds like Canada's next "Outstanding Young Farmer"


                            Their effeciencies will kill us.


                              Cotton "Their effeciencies will kill us' HaHa that's funny!

                              Their size will kill them. I'm looking forward to going to their bankruptcy auction in 5 or 6 years. Could be a lot of cheap equipment to pick-up there. She'll be a doozie.


                                i think their overheads will kill them.


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