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What to grow in 2010?

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    What to grow in 2010?

    Well at today's prices not barring a total collapse in grain prices (locking in price for Nov and Jan and March) and using the pre buy price for fert and glyphos plus I know land costs and machinery big surprise. YEA right.
    OATS and Canola make an extra $200,006.00 profit on our farm over oats hrs, Durum, Canola, Barley and Peas. So here is my question what the hell are most going to seed in 2010. Or just make a wheel spin it and throw 6 darts pick the top three. I mean what should one do. If Soy crash and Huge crops will it hold. Oats looks OK but wow what a pile (400,000.00 Bushels storage or 32 bags. Its a cold day just trying to figure out what looks best.

    As a farmer I am supposed to be an eternal optimist, BUT Being we just added 100 000 bushels of bins I am getting a feeling we won't have grain to put into any of them.Or the bins will be worth more than the grain that goes into them.
    Canola and Lentil acres are looking to jump big AGAIN. South America has potential for a record bean crop. Canary is stuck just under $10, rye around $3.5 to $4.
    The high/climbing dollar will push hold or push our returns lower(just like the CWB). Durum is out, barley not good either. Flax and mustard are recovering but still out of the running because of lower yield here. Peas have potential, wheat (high yielding CPS or soft white)for ethanol/feed is interesting.
    Likely 1600-2000 acres chem-fallowed or rented out.
    Hoping Cotton is right about a commodity rally although the bean/canola markets took a dump today.
    Have 90% of next years inputs paid for and 70% of crop to sell so the dart board idea is looking as good as any.


      Call me stupid but I aam sticking with durum, flax, peas, maybe adding lentils,hrs.

      Oats would be a good addition. Offers flexiblity if oats are worthless sell it for bales.

      Stupid. Save the rest of you the time in typing it.


        I am doing same as last yr. Canola,peas,durum.


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