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Navigator durum program 2010-2011

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    Navigator durum program 2010-2011

    Has anyone heard anything about Nav. durum for the upcoming year?? Usually have the seed booked in Nov. the past 2 yrs.

    I have 1000 ac of pea stubble that needs a cereal in the rotation and durum has been my preference in the past.

    I think you will be ok. I inquired about getting into one of the durum programs at viterra and was told if I hadn't grown it before there was not much of a chance that I could get in.

    Even if I just wanted the seed as I should be getting out of avonlea durum and switching to something else it would be quite difficult to get into commander or navigator.


      I hope you are right,I have grown Nav. every year for the past 5 yrs. except in 2007 I grew 400 acres of oats, that was a mistake.

      Navigator is a great variety,not too tall of straw and has great yields.


        Yields will mean nothing if you can not sell it or if you must sell below the COP b/c their is too much? Granted some will grow durum and just continue storing it for a few years - same as canary seed i guess.


          That's the interesting thing about navigator. The right's owner, Viterra, according to their farm visitation rep claims the producer must sell it all in the year of production. It will not allow you to store it over. Navigator producers, is that true?

          We have been trying to get a 320 acre production contract with them, and it is not happening. So, the hint thrown back has been, if you can't get us what we want, don't be surprised with where the rest of our needs will be filled.


            What is the premium for navigator?, must be pretty good because in my scenario i am going from 2000 ac durum last year to 0 ac in 2010. Way better money makers out there, plus I'll still have bins full of the s**t if the board can't sell it for me. Sure glad I don't have the headache of making my own decisions. I'm sure its in my best interest to sit on 50,000 bu of worthless durum for another year, thank goodness for my wheat board looking out for me. If not, I might do something silly and make money on the farm.


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