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one earth farms

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    I think as farmers who deal with CIH and their suppliers better tell them who got them to their high (us) and when this group fails we wont be their to pick up the pieces. This is a sick group who think were in Brazil and its not.


      Hey if CNH or aggrowth gives them a special deal they can count me out as one of their future customers. This deal has corruption written all over it. We all know most of over first nation leaders are corrupt,lazy and looking for a cheap handout.... This idea is going to cost the rest of consumers millions.


        Hey if CNH or aggrowth gives them a special deal they can count me out as one of their future customers. This deal has corruption written all over it. We all know most of our first nation leaders are corrupt,lazy and looking for a cheap handout.... This idea is going to cost the rest of consumers millions.


          We were looking at some twaster bins and wast field auger... hmmm


            Think they would change their minds with a few
            dozens phone calls.

            Im calling.


              I'm going to stick my nose in this one. Call shane at ag growth tommorrow 1 204 489 1855 and show him your displeasure in wasting our future bussiness.Email shane@aggrowth.com Let him know he is set up for a pozy scheme..


                Ponzi scheme?
                Just tell him its a bunch of B.S that their buying shares
                and giving special deals to the competition.

                Seeing as their now in this they are now our


                  Thanks for the number.


                    Who is the CIH supplier, that is the next question, and farmers should be pst at this whole process.


                      Actually,if we could push a few investers out of this
                      deal and make a few headlines,this would have a nice
                      ripple effect back to bay street.

                      As far as cih would it not be better for every
                      dealership to get a call,so all the dealers call the
                      parent company in a panic.


                        Ill call our to dealers today, one in Regina and yorkton.


                          I wouldn't get my knickers in a knot over any "special deals" that One Earth Farms are getting from the equipment deals.

                          Anyone out there could get a similar deal in a minute: all you have to do is trade in every piece of equipment you own for the latest brand new stuff. Equipment dealers would trip over themselves trying to cut the best deal.

                          The problem is that you have to actually pay for all this equipment at some time. That problem applies to One Earth Farms as much as anyone else and that makes me very skeptical about the long term success of this venture.

                          Sure, filling your yard with new equipment might boost productivity, but it would also impose crippling debt loads on a farm. Most farms have a mix of new and old equipment and that keeps debt loads manageable.


                            No sure why people are up in arms, We could see it coming. Just listen
                            to the business channels and all the talk on agricultural related
                            Seem like the we keep going in the same circle. Get big, fail start
                            over again. Maybe they want to get to the point called "to big to fail"
                            so they can turn to Governments. I can just see their line. Something
                            like this " if we fail the people will starve.
                            In the past we have many super farm that failed.
                            Another example is big sky. 10 or so years ago they convince the
                            powers that they where to big to fail. I was in the hog business when big
                            sky started and remember the push to get all the small producers out
                            so Saskatchewan could be a hog production power house. Just look now,
                            not even processing in the province.
                            The main story is a few will make a lot of money, many will loss money.
                            then they will wait long enough to scam a new group of investors.


                              Interesting to watch the BIG GUYS, squirm and whine, about BIGGER GUYS. They apparently feel threatened, just like the family farms have felt for some time now! Watching greed and debt that their next door farmer fiends are amassing. Bottom line, its NONE of their business, the markit likes risk. If someone wants to start farming in a huge way, sit back and enjoy watching em crash and burn. Omma gosh, they probably gonna take summa the big guys down to, that'll never doo. Maybe gobble up all the subisdies to, then we'll get the level playin field were all lookin fer.......


                                Sprott 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership’s investment objective is to provide for a tax-assisted investment in a diversified portfolio of Flow-Through Shares and other securities, if any, of Resource Issuers with a view to achieving capital appreciation and significant tax benefits for Limited Partners. The Partnership will enter into Share Purchase Agreements with Resource Issuers under which such issuers will agree to issue Flow-Through Shares and other securities, if any, to the Partnership, incur Canadian Exploration Expense (“CEE”) in carrying out activities in Canada and renounce CEE to the Partnership. Limited Partners with sufficient income will be entitled to claim deductions for Canadian federal income tax purposes in respect of CEE incurred and renounced to the Partnership and may be entitled to certain investment tax credits deductible from tax payable. The Partnership has retained Sprott Asset Management L.P. to provide investment, management, administrative and other services.

                                The Partnership intends to provide liquidity to Limited Partners prior to February 29, 2012. The Partnership currently intends to implement a Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction, but if the General Partner determines not to proceed with a Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction, then the Partnership will convene a Special Meeting to consider an alternative liquidity transaction (a “Liquidity Alternative”), subject to approval by Extraordinary Resolution. Pursuant to the Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction, if any, Limited Partners will receive redeemable shares of a mutual fund corporation to be established by Sprott Asset Management and which is expected to be advised by the Manager. Such mutual fund corporation will be a “reporting issuer” under applicable Canadian securities legislation. The Partnership intends to complete the Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction, if any, pursuant to the terms of the Transfer Agreement. The completion of the Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction or a Liquidity Alternative will be subject to the receipt of all approvals that may be necessary. There can be no assurance that the Mutual Fund Rollover Transaction or a Liquidity Alternative will receive the necessary approvals or be implemented.

                                The issuer's website can be found at www.sprott.com


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