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one earth farms

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    Mcfarms I think that really has nothing to do with One Earth Farms. Are not flow through share investments only for mining exploration, not farming? One Earth should be a corp in itself under the same tax rules as every other farmer.


      You are right flow throughs are usually for riskier mining plays hence the tax treatment, just wanted to really illustrate how easy it is for a company like sprott to raise capital to compete for farmland capital etc. Not a lot of family farmers going to float a 100 million share offering real easily. That said the ROI on Ag may not make it a real great share idea but neither was nortel in hindsite.


        OK if that's his game then at least with a mine you might strike it and gain but farming come on 100 years and still same shit.


          And yes you are right I also didn't fully connect the fact that these were flow throughs not a normal share offering. Just saw the big share offering while looking at the new offering listing.


            Any chance they might be doing some exploratory work on native lands?


              Explore for the better land. Perhaps they will drop the native lands in a couple years and farm the most productive lands.


                Massive amount of potash under at least three of their land holdings. Massive. I still think that's the hidden card.


                  sprott not going to lose only gain in fees for management. He is making money off investers before he has even put a seed in the ground are investors so blind.....


                    as far as minerals go the bands have not been the easiest for exploration companies to deal with. they have title to the minerals and the federal govt. gets involved right away. i think sprott is gambling on farming. others are too! is brett wilson still buying up land? how about jim rogers? haven't heard much from him lately.


                      HOLY canoly are you sure about this Sask?

                      Hes going to get land and mineral rights!

                      Crazy like a fox.

                      Nobody would exploite that better than the sprott


                        how will he get minerals? you think the bands would lease minerals with the surface? they have lawyers to catch a screwup like that and they just aren't that stupid anyway. this thread has gone from sprott putting together a farming investment fund to a scheme to control the minerals under the reservations. it's nine o'clock - wake up the dreams over.


                          So your saying the indians will out smart a bay street


                            i'm saying it's incredible for them to hand over rights to minerals without making a big deal of it and the development that would come to the reserves. don't you think they realize the value of those minerals? there is potash - they did some drilling around here in the last year up against and on a reserve. the rental agreements will not be word of mouth; they'll be very well defined and if something were to go wrong it would become a living agreement and the bands would just say it wasn't their intent and the courts have been sympathetic to that. everything's stacked against it being anything but a farming venture that sprott thinks he can turn into a going concern with alliances with the natives,machinery and input suppliers and marketing deals. he'll definitely make money and there is a slim chance the farm will fly but you can bet that's about it. he's cashing in on the commodity craze of last year; he's a gold bug like rogers and he thinks he can assemble a large scale farm by not buying land and just profiting from operations. the investors get nothing out of this because there are really no hard assets (like land) to use to recover equity.


                              Could be another Brex, in the works here. That was an amazing scam. So big that the Kanadian gov't wounld even bother to investigat the fraud. Guess this may be what's happinen agin!


                                My dad told me mineral rights for potash could be worth 120,000 per quarter. We have potash and I managed to get 3 quarters of mineral rights thrown in with the land purhase at no charge. But no mine or exploration company working on this land.


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