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Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels Reichsminister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany

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    Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels Reichsminister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany

    Gen Ostland reiten - Karrierechancen im NS - Staat

    Mit herzlichem Gruß und Heil Hitler

    Der Schriftsteller Ottfried Graf v. Finckenstein wurde nach dem Angriff auf die Sowjetunion Vorsitzender eines Künstlerverbandes mit dem Namen, ( Kulturwerk Deutsches Ordensland ), der in Marienburg tagen und daran erinnern sollte, daß " vor rund 700 Jahren das Licht deutschen Geistes und deutscher Gesittung in den slawischen Raum getragen [ wurde ], um nie wieder zu verlöschen ". Nunmehr sei der Deutsche wiederum ' wichtigster Kulturträger in der vordersten Front des Deutschtums ".

    Gen. Eastland ride - Career Opportunities in NS - State

    With cordial greetings and Heil Hitler

    The writer Ottfried Count von Finckenstein was after the attack on the Soviet Union, chairman of an artist's association with the name (Culture Factory Orders German Land), who should meet in Marienburg and remember that "some 700 years before the light of German intellectual and German civilization in the Slavic countries, taken [was] to never go out again. " Now the German is in turn 'the most important cultural institutions in the forefront of the Germans. "

    Vom König zum Führer By Stephan Malinowski

    Excuse me but why are you posting this ? How is it relevant to Ag Marketing?


      Have you ever heard of an agricultural program called the NISA Program. What do you call the people who work for politicians and whose job it is to dig into the background of people for information to be used to manipulate them?


        Well.....I'm confused


          The Wall and Lukiwski tape magically appears. Less confused.


            The question came to me as to why the case management judge ignored several federal court rules including his own order and a higher court order. The most important being the first appeal court partial success which in my reading of the rules meant an automatic trial. The Harris case dealing with Rev. Can. and the Bronfman Trust ruling judgment on this issue was very clear. Was it inexperience or something else as this was not his money at stake?


              Why dont you just tell us in plain english what
              happened to you?

              Somebody may be able to help.


                I ask again why should this be in marketing??


                  That cracked me up CP!

                  Send a sign NISA, have you fallen and can't get up?


                    Agstar marketing is where you go when you want a response.


                      For the same reason that discussing which stocks to buy is okay.

                      We're here to trade ideas not eliminate them, are we not?


                        Hey pars, stock pricing has lots related to ag stocks


                          Absolutely. It's Ag.

                          Nisa was Ag, too.

                          We can learn from the past,


                            This is getting absurd/sad. NISA, WTF are you babbling about? Obviously very few people are understanding your posts. Obviously, I do not know enough history about Germany, and war, or there is something doing about the old NISA program, a Judge, Brad Wall video tape, and monkeys flying, although not to sure on the last one. WTF?


                              How many people here were in the NISA Program and had their accounts arbitrary or voluntarily reduced (I say arbitrary as the required law was never changed and was falsely represented to the courts, I say criminal)by an estimated one third. Any clue how much money that amounted too. Clearly the farmers must have too much money to care. I say the crown hand picked the judge for the case. Is this acceptable to you? Should he have been allowed into Canada at all based on family history in WWII? Is making numerous false representations and concealing evidence from the Federal Court acceptable too you? (Guy Lafleur found out otherwise) Clearly farmers have too much money. If this was France and what went on in this court case, heads would have been rolling. The NISA case is as good as any John Grisham novel to those in the know. Farmers continue to tell me of the whining that goes on here but lack action. Put your whines in a jar and quit blogging. Whereas I have taken and continue to take action researching and updating the affected interested farmers. This issue continues under Stability and has never been properly dealt with by the courts. Parsley of course has been down the same road.


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