Thanks for the info on how your bags are unloading.
I think that the grain bagger could be an excellent tool for harvesting early in the year, when conditions are not ideal.
Most years the grain companies do not care if you haul tough grain in march-july, because that is when every one else is hauling their dry stuff.
Wonder if 17% wheat would store as well as 19-20% wheat?
Sure is nice hauling out of grain bags. Very, very fast loading the truck and almost nothing to shovel.
If only someone could sell a machine to roll up the empty bags that only costs $2000 or less.
Thanks for the info on how your bags are unloading.
I think that the grain bagger could be an excellent tool for harvesting early in the year, when conditions are not ideal.
Most years the grain companies do not care if you haul tough grain in march-july, because that is when every one else is hauling their dry stuff.
Wonder if 17% wheat would store as well as 19-20% wheat?
Sure is nice hauling out of grain bags. Very, very fast loading the truck and almost nothing to shovel.
If only someone could sell a machine to roll up the empty bags that only costs $2000 or less.