And further to dmlfarmer's post.
It is hypocritical for the seed industry to propose and/or support the certified seed solution that they are attempting to force on regular farmers.
The admission that Triffid is even contaminating breeders seed is a call for the seed industry to clean up its own act before they have any right to even comment on other sectors problem. After that happens; I'll decide if I personally want the seed industry to speak on my behalf.
As gregpet correctly stated "Why should I use certified (unpure) seed if my own tests show my seed is Triffid free?"
When the people who have been in control find out that "just because sosmething can be done; doesn't mean that it should be done" we will be one step further to making less irrepairable mistakes.
To those people responsible for past mistakes; I say if you continue to be in charge; you must look for additional input because obviously you have totally screwed up, and need an attitude change.
It is hypocritical for the seed industry to propose and/or support the certified seed solution that they are attempting to force on regular farmers.
The admission that Triffid is even contaminating breeders seed is a call for the seed industry to clean up its own act before they have any right to even comment on other sectors problem. After that happens; I'll decide if I personally want the seed industry to speak on my behalf.
As gregpet correctly stated "Why should I use certified (unpure) seed if my own tests show my seed is Triffid free?"
When the people who have been in control find out that "just because sosmething can be done; doesn't mean that it should be done" we will be one step further to making less irrepairable mistakes.
To those people responsible for past mistakes; I say if you continue to be in charge; you must look for additional input because obviously you have totally screwed up, and need an attitude change.