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    Wheat board advertizing
    Special interest non-sence

    Larry Weber-kill this pig...please

    Did somebody hijack Cottonpicken's identity? He seems out of sorts...in a bad way! Just wondering.


      Must be visiting with his old friends Jack and Bud.


        Agriville is under the command and control of non
        farmer business interests who profit off us.


          The whole industry is geared that way period. Like it or lump it! Try not to think about it too much. Tell your self you are going something good and right, like "feeding the world"! I always think "I am not hurting anyone, and if I am farming, there is one more job available in the work force!! Its a small consolation but it keeps me from totally snapping!!
          Agriville posters do provide insight. Dont shoot the messengers.


            So what you are saying is the harder we get it up the ass the more we need to invision hungry people we feed and the bigger our smile should be!
            Must be a whole lot of wide smilin cattlemen, pork producers, and bankrupt grain farmers walking around.


              I have to admit to having the same thought but for different reasons.

              On the business front, I do recognize that Farms.com is business and like your business, has to generate money to pay the bills (like reprograming the site to take care of issues like not being able to remove moderators names from the side bar - note all areas contain moderator who are retired/not working at the job indicated). Don't like the ads - ignore them. We do that 1,000 times every day.

              The objective of agriville is to be a place where people can meet to have discussions about markets and issues. Hopefully can be judged on that basis. Actually people who follow but don't post are likely in the best position to judge the success or failure of the site. If you come to agriville on a regular basis, it likely says it is meeting some of your needs whatever they may be.


                Never ever believe any of the garbage that flows, via the missinformation highway. This is a fun place though to share, sill thoughts and ideas that relate to the business of framing, opps farming.


                  Charlie has some very good points. I monitored Agri-ville for about 3 months before I bothered with some basic input. I do empathize with cotton. I was conventional for 14 years, I grew to regard every single aspect of the ag industry with contempt and disdain. I started to really resent the enitre industry and everything I did within it. Fortunately, I was young enough, I changed over to organic. Its still farming with its own issues and problems, but I know that I feel a difference, not warm and fuzzy, eco differernt, just less apprehension and financial pressure. Organic is not for everybody, my farm was just too small and inefficient to be profitable. Nobodys fault, just the way it is. I had to consider 3 options; change to organic, invest heavily, get efficient grow more for less and carry the risk, or leave the industy. I get along with all my neighbors, very large and all sizes in between. Todays farmers are terrific, and impressive operations. I cannot participate in some conversations like fert and chem but ultimately we are all just people working to make a living. If it goes well, long term I will make enough to raise family, life in a small town where I think its safer, cheaper and cleaner. If it goes bad, somebody is always looking for more land to rent.


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