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Just say no to GM wheat!

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    Isn't it convenient that the CWB has ready made postcards (I think he said with prepaid postage) so we can side with the CWB on any given issue. There's no need to think; just put your X at the bottom somewhere. Talk about needing to be spoonfed. Its no wonder that after long term exposure to this practice; that most people don't even attempt to even express their own thoughts.
    For this reason I suggest it is wise to wean from spoonfeeding at the earliest age possible.


      Saying that Triffid flax was intentional is completely
      false. What purpose would that serve? Who is
      benefitting from this Triffid flax issue besides the
      GM testing lab.

      Farmers must buy certified seed, breeding
      programs are scrambling to ensure pure lines,
      growers are now under further testing and costs
      and the industry has export issues. May I ask in
      your conspiracy theory who exactly is benefiting
      from this? Do you honestly think that the seed
      industry or anyone else would tank the flax market
      to sell certified flax for one year? Sorry I think that
      most people do not buy into your accusations and
      realize that it is nothing but an inflammatory finger
      pointing remark.


        We only have to buy certified seed for one year Shaney?



          I think you must have struck a chord with the guy that didn't have any time to spend with the peasants on the other thread.


          What I suggest you do is send a boat load of certified flax seed to the EU, and let them tell the Canadian farming peasants if your seed propagating society passes mustard? Until then, I have no confidence that your group's seed is any better than my own.


            OH!, oh!, said mustard - don't want to go there. Correction - muster.

            Does anyone find it amazing that the EU testers can find things before the guardians of our seed supply?


              If you don't want GM wheat, you will need to support the CWB.

              They are the only reason GM wheat is not grown anywhere in the world right now (with the exception of some freaky scientist's basement.)


                I'm not buying your logic cc of CWB. I do, however, believe you got up to pee!!!






                      Shaney, the seed growers are the ones that benefit for infinity and beyond.

                      Ignorance really is bliss.

                      BTW, what color is the sky in your world?


                        All I have to say is show me the money. Some one please show me how introducing a new super week (round up ready canola) Cereal that is roundup resistant. Wow just look at the money pouring into the Chem companies hands. Oh yea also look at countries closing their doors. Were getting 60 bushel now with these shitty varieties just let us grow some European varieties for shitty flower and we will get huge yields to. But again show me the profit for me Joe farmer. The simple answer is it will cost me more and I will not make one penny from it.


                          That's suppose to be super weed Not Week Thinking of Maui to much.


                            We seem to have a hard time understanding what a buyer is saying when they say no to something. They say no to GM products we produce them anyway. They say no to hormones we use them anyway. In the mean time we loose a large market to sell our products. They do not need us, we need them!!!! How many trade wars have we had with Europe and won but there is still no beef going to Europe because they do not want it. It is the same with GM crops. Sure it is easier to grow but what is the point if we have no buyers. The ones that do buy do not want to pay a premium.

                            That is my 2 cents worth.


                              And that is a great 2 cents answer. The 2 cents is probably all we would ever profit at the best so A whopping $1.20 an acre on 3000 acres $3600.00 My god lets get GM Wheat HA HA HAHAHAHAHA


                                Well here I dont have the option to say yes or no to GM.
                                However if I did at the moment it would have to be no, because my customers see no reason for them to take the risk they perceive GM holds.
                                The government see any acceptance of GM as a vote looser so in an election year I see no movement on the ban in the near future.

                                GM has been a disapointment in my view. The promised beneifts Monsanto promised when they where still trying to get GM accepted overhere do not seem to have materialised or at least they have stopped trying to combat the negative Frankinsein food jibes, with we will cure child blindness in China and produce food which will keep you healthy.

                                Has GM delivered as much as you guys expected in the last ten years?


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