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Has the Shit finally hit the fan again.

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    Has the Shit finally hit the fan again.

    Looks to me like were back to the same old grind. Low prices over priced inputs and a doom and gloomy seeding season ahead. Canola is in the tank but from the stories I am hearing from all over the place we probably will bury in Saskatchewan about a million tons of Canola due to heating. China is still sitting on the fence and telling Canada to go to hell. USA is still shutting down meal with health concerns for humans but its for feeding livestock. 2010 looks like one heck of a year.
    But here is the gist of discussion. How much canola will not get to market in 2010. Crushers are getting calls every day. Elevators are rejecting every day. Farmers are smelling a bloody mess every day. The harvest from hell is still following us.
    Now yes Brandon was a great show lots of interest in all products that were shown. But Manitoba farmers seemed more cautious than Sask farmers. To me also what are guys thinking of growing in 2010 since oats down barley down canola down hrs down durum down peas down etc etc etc.
    Yet their are guys paying 60 to 70 rent out there. One of those large guys who had a long term deal is suppose to be leaving the industry soon. HM so maybe over paying for rent isn't so good.
    Just a thought but will history show us that their was a boom that lasted from 1979 to 1984 and boom from Feb 22 to March first. Ha what a great 6 days to tell my kids about.

    Why does it matter anyway? The World is coming to an end in 2012 . Be happy , don't worry.


      And that's why I am counting the days till I leave for Hawai just sunshine and american beer.


        Sounds rough


          Just came back from 3 weeks in Acapulco, would've like about 3 months but, oh well.


            SF3 - old joke but tailor made for you in case you've
            never heard it. What does a 747 have in common with
            a Saskatchewan grain farmer? They both quit whining
            when they land in Hawaii! Enjoy your time away...


              Good one seems it still takes two days after get their to calm down, cant wait been a long fall.


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