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Press Release - 100,000 Canadian farmers unite to call for investment in agriculture research

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    Press Release - 100,000 Canadian farmers unite to call for investment in agriculture research

    Thought I should the above to generate some discussion. Meant to stimulate some discussion about agricultural R&D and who funds.

    Press Release quote (maybe someone can provide a link):

    100,000 Canadian farmers unite to call for investment in agriculture research

    Farmers across Canada are uniting to form Farmers for Investment in Agriculture
    (FIA), to demand greater investment in agronomic research from the federal

    “Agriculture as an industry turns every dollar of research investment into a 10 dollar
    economic benefit for Canada through the growth of the domestic food sector, increased
    exports and lower food costs,” said William Van Tassel, vice-chair of the Fédération des
    producteurs de culture commerciales du Québec.

    At a time when most industrialized countries are making huge investments in farming to
    capitalize on growing world food demand, public research funding for agronomics in
    Canada has dropped 40 per cent since 1994 after adjusting for inflation, resulting in a
    serious loss of both research infrastructure and scientists.

    In response to this crisis, four major agricultural organizations are joining forces to call
    for an increase in agronomic research. Over 100,000 Canadian farmers are represented
    by the group, which includes the Grain Farmers of Ontario, the Fédération des
    producteurs de culture commerciales du Québec, the Atlantic Grains Council and the
    Grain Growers of Canada.

    “The government must develop a national strategy on agriculture that puts the needs of
    Canadian farmers at the top of its list,” said Don Kenny, chair of the Grain Farmers of

    Farmers for Investment in Agriculture is calling on the Government to double core
    agronomic research over the next 10 years. The proposal would bring funding back to
    1994 levels by 2020. By increasing research funds, Canadian farmers would gain a
    competitive edge in the global market and help stimulate the struggling Canadian
    economy. It is also estimated that agronomic research yields 40-60 per cent economic
    returns for the whole society.

    “There is no better investment for Canada than an investment in food,” said Doug
    Robertson, president of the Grain Growers of Canada. “We have some of the most
    fertile farmland in the world with access to the third largest supply of the world’s fresh
    water and we are not maximizing our crop production,” he said.

    Research is more important today than it has ever been. The Food and Agriculture
    Organization of the United Nations predicts that global agriculture has to grow by 70 per
    cent by 2050 to feed an additional 2.3 billion people, creating a demand that Canadian
    farmers need to be prepared to capitalize on.

    Increased public research funding helps develop crops that are more efficient, higher
    quality, healthier and more resistant to disease, pests and extreme weather conditions.
    At a time when demand is expected to rise significantly and wheat supplies are being
    threatened worldwide by an outbreak of Ug99, the time for government to invest is now.

    - 30 -

    For more information: Doug Robertson, president of the Grain Growers of Canada, 403-
    819-8372 (cell); Allan Ling, chair of the Atlantic Grains Council, 902-628-9727 (cell);
    William Van Tassel, vice-chair of the chair of the Fédération des producteurs de culture
    commerciales du Québec, 418-818-3238

    BORRING!!!!! Another phoney effort by somebody to pretend that anybody cares about farmers and their problems. Reality, let the Amerikins do the work, then we'll get it whether we want it or not. Groups pretending to represent farmers are borring. In most cases they are gov't shills put in place by governments, pretending to have farmers interests at heart. There are so many of these, farmers interests are splintered so's nobody acturally represents a group who gives a rats butt about anything. Let's see, Wildrosies, Unifarm, Ufa, WBGA, WWGA, NFU for a few, get the point, another one doesn't matter.. Excited yeah right!


      I agree with burbert. Just another money wasting scheme to duplicate what has been done already here and elsewhere.

      We read of the thousands of grants and commissions and the money thrown away every year for "special interest" groups but the thrickle-down benefits are few and far between.

      This new "livestock control" thingy is a prime example of waste. Read who the recipients of these funds are...certainly will surprise you NOT.

      Alberta continues to waste millions of dollars every year on totally useless research. Who benefits?...perhaps a hndleful of corporations who should be doing and paying for this research themselves.


        Its rare, but I agree with burbert and wilagro.

        I have been finding that all people supposedly representing farmers have only their own interests or a very small minority in mind.


          I took the press release as referring to infra structure to do proper
          research and development in plant breeding/agronomic research and
          from there the ability to bring new technology forward to farmers and
          agribusiness in a way that meets customers needs and improves
          farmers profitability.

          Just picking on plant breeding, does Canada have adequate infra
          structure to keep up with our competitors in the US, Europe, Australia,
          South America, etc.? Does government have a place in plant breeding
          research infrastructure or should this be 100 % private sector funded?

          I note disease issues like fusarium, club root, black leg that need
          continuous monitoring and breeding investment to stay ahead of.
          That is unless you think nature selection is best and you are willing to
          undergo many years of poor yields as the crop naturally selects itself
          for resistance to these diseases.


            Yes but some actual farmers have spoken; and I too agree with them. The trouble is that our message isn't what charlie et al want to hear.
            The interesting thing is that those same farmers probably all couldn,t agree on antthing else.


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