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CWB vs Farmers...

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    CWB vs Farmers...


    A great justice has just occured....

    To have a Justice rule the CWB was protected by the Charter was totally absurd... and now the Supreme Court has ruled on the matter!

    God bless Canada!

    A Winnipeg Free Press Article...

    Supreme Court allows muzzle on wheat board
    By: Mia Rabson
    22/01/2010 1:00 AM
    OTTAWA -- A federal government directive preventing the Canadian Wheat Board from pushing a pro-monopoly stance will stand after a Supreme Court of Canada denied the board leave to appeal Thursday. It ended a battle of more than three years between Ottawa and the Winnipeg-based grain marketing agency over a federally imposed order that all wheat board communications should reflect the government policy.

    The current policy of the federal Conservative government is to eliminate the wheat board's monopoly on prairie wheat and barley sales, and allow farmers to choose where to sell their grain.

    "Certainly it's disappointing but we have to accept the fact," said wheat board chair Larry Hill.
    The court does not give reasons when it denies leave to appeal. It dismissed the case with costs, though what financial hit that will put on the wheat board is yet unknown.

    The original directive order the wheat board to clam up came in October 2006. In June 2008, a federal judge struck down the directive at the request of the wheat board. The judge said it contravened the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    But a federal appeals court subsequently overturned the ruling, saying the board was the creation of a federal statute and therefore it had no rights or freedoms beyond those laid out in the statute.

    The Supreme Court finally put the issue to rest Thursday by deciding not to hear the appeal.
    Hill said he was surprised the court wouldn't hear the case, and said it will mean the board has to check with lawyers before it puts out communications to make sure it's abiding by the directive.

    Spokespeople for Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz were unavailable yesterday.
    The Conservative government and the wheat board have been at war since the Conservatives took office on a platform that included eliminating the board's monopoly. Numerous court cases have resulted.

    The wheat board won one of them when the courts said Ottawa could only eliminate the monopoly through legislation, not by cabinet decree as the government originally tried to do.

    Legislation to open up barley sales was introduced in 2008 but was never raised for debate and died on the order paper when Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the 2008 election. It has not been reintroduced.

    Manitoba NDP MP Pat Martin said he wouldn't be surprised if Thursday's court decision propelled that legislation back to the table.

    "I'm worried this court decision may motivate them to regroup and come at it again," said Martin. "They will see this as a big victory."

    Martin plans to combat the Harper policy on the wheat board with a private member's bill to expand the powers of the wheat board's elected board. Among other things, the legislation would increase the number of board members who are elected rather than appointed by Ottawa.

    "It would put the power back into the hands of farmers," said Martin.
    The bill would have been introduced next week but due to Harper's decision to prorogue, Martin will now have to wait until Parliament reconvenes in March.

    Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition January 22, 2010 A10

    Putting an end to the CWB taking money out of the pooling accounts to pay for the CWB's political propaganda is certainly good, but in its self does not give producers marketing freedom. Naturally the CWB will focus on this point as Hill already has started.

    However, the Supreme Court's endorsement of the Court of Appeal Court's ruling has important ramifications that can provide producer marketing freedom. For example, in their ruling they stated:

    "subsection 18(1) [of the Act] is very broad. As noted, it authorizes the government through the auspices of the Governor in Council to direct the Wheat Board with respect to the full range of activity conducted by the Wheat Board."

    "when these [1998] amendments were brought, subsection 18(1) was not only preserved but strengthened. Beyond subsection 3.12(2) which sets out the director's duty to comply with any direction given pursuant to subsection 18(1), subsection 18(1.2) was added to provide that compliance with a direction is 'deemed' to be in the best interests of the Wheat Board."

    "subsection 18(1) was intended to provide the Governor in Council with the authority to direct the Wheat Board on any matter of governance"

    However, the Goverments orders and regulations cannot be in contradiction with the Act which the courts ruled they were when they tried to remove barley.

    The solution is simple. The Act requires all exporters to have an export licence. The CWB arbitrarly grants licences both outside and inside the designated area. The Government should order the CWB to grant export licences to producers without discrimination. Surely after their crushing loss at the Supreme Court, no one can believe that the CWB can pick who gets licences but the government can't.


      The gag order should apply to all agribusiness, they should not be allowed to put ads in the paper, or send junk mail promoting their crappy chemicals or seed.

      They should also be denied all charter rights.


        Hey Cchurch, trying to divert the discussion back to the gag order?

        Meanwhile, regarding broad Government control, this is what Justice Rothstein (now on the Supreme court) said in Jackson v. Canada (1997):

        "the Canadian Wheat Board can be characterized as a corporation with significant public aspects which involve the carrying out of government policy"

        "Under these [Part IV] provisions, the Canadian Wheat Board is granted significant regulatory power."

        "A regulatory power such as the granting of licences is by nature public ... Regulatory power is one of the hallmarks of public, as opposed to private commercial activity."

        This new ruling means that nothing has changed except new management who must "carry out government policy".


          One small victory in the right direction.
          Maybe this will get rid of the CWB banners on this site!! lol


            I agree with Tom4CWB that to have the Supreme Court endorse the broad control of the government is a big victory.

            I welcome the "CWB banners" comments!


              Raven, are you saying that the Government could then advise the BOD to issue export licenses and they would have to comply?

              As I understand this is what was done in Ontario, but in that instance by the BOD not the Government?

              Advise please.


                Yes, national licencing applies equally across all Canada. Clearly an area for the government and not prairie farmers and Winnipeg bureaucrats.

                Regarding Ontario and the other areas ouside the designated area, they are granted export licences simply by swearing an affidavit as to the origin of the grain.

                Nothing in the national licencing Part IV of the Act differentiates between regions of Canada or authorizes discrimination. That's why the CWB Act withstands Charter challenges.

                I think that after the years and years of complicating by propaganda, people can't believe it is so simple.

                Pressure needs to be put on the Conservatives. Clearly the Goverment can provide freedom to prairie producers by ordering export licences. If they won't order the CWB to treat Prairie farmers the same as all others, why would anyone trust them to change the Act with a majority?

                One other point is that there is nothing in the Act that requires the CWB to be the issuers of the licences. Customs Canada could do export licences for example, as I believe they already do for imports of wheat and barley.


                  Raven you are quite right when you say pressure has to be applied to the conservatives. The million dollar question is HOW??? I myself chose financially to quit supporting the Harper government because of their lack of interest and seriousness on this cwb issue.In fact they seem to be in no hurry to do anything except to collect their pay cheque and rush to the bank every second Friday, but thats another issue. I know for a fact that others have done the same. Unfortunately as of now the p.c. party has a pretty comfortable bank account,so they don't miss our donations.
                  Now that the appeal and supreme court has exposed and reinforced what some of us have known for a long time, that Goodale and Easter are a pair of deceiving and mischievous frauds. Maybe the liberals will consider a new direction on their ag policy. If they do I could maybe begrudgedly, financially support them for awhile.
                  Even though the cwb is a P.C. platform issue, and a majority of their support comes from the west they lack a serious passion for this issue, and I really don't see them doing much if anything on this issue in the near future.
                  SO Raven if you or anybody has an idea on how we can apply pressure to the PC's, PLEASE start a post-in.


                    Just back from some much needed family holidays and trying to catch up. I don't see to be able to find any kind of press release from the CWB or Ritz on this. Has anyone else found any more official comments?

                    I agree with Raven, this is significant and goes way beyond just the gag order. The Conservatives have no more excuses, the courts have made it crystal clear who is in control and who has final say. The feds can order the board to give us no-buyback export licenses tomorrow, no legislation would be required for that. And the board couldn't say boo about it.

                    It's time to start hounding them again about delivering on their election promises. Letter's, phone calls, emails, etc.


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