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    Have fun boys, Three sleeps till wife takes away the Computer and Blackberry. This year Ill gladly not have both, couldn't care. Excitement of last two years is gone, BS still exists, yesterday Potash up because some prof said somewhere in the world fert is needed, No shit. But overpaying for fert isn't needed. That's not a news story. Earth one have fun, just stay off my land. Any one who wants 10000 or less acres can have for a cool 100.00 acre rent.

    In the Internation Market Place there is an Internet place. 2 bucks for 5 minutes. Just sneak in there. LOL...


      Just got back from two weeks in Costa Rice, (of course it was nice here while I was gone). Payed $1.oo USD for 1 hour of very high speed internet in down town San Jose. You should have seen how large the owner's eyes got when I showed him the weather forecast for back home!


        Was it really nice in Costa Rica. I heard from a neighbor its awesome.


          ya, it really was. did a tour, so got to see a wide variety of agriculture too.


            Cool. One of these winters I want to take a two to three week vacation to Brazil, or Argentina. I have to get down their and see it for my self. But wife wants other places than a farm tour. Oh well, Pushing Bayer to do a men only tour or some other chem company we use.


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