<b>For the principle</b>
There is a very important reason why the Canadian Wheat Board recently tried to take a case to the Supreme Court of Canada. It was neither "frivolous" nor driven by politics, as some have alleged.
The reason was this: we believe that Prairie farmers should have the right to control and direct their marketing organization through their democratically elected CWB board of directors. We did not agree with a previous court ruling about the federal government's power to direct the CWB. We believed that sweeping changes to the CWB Act in 1998 were intended to pass control to farmers. Why else does the CWB board of directors exist?
We believe it is important to respect democracy and the will of farmers as expressed through a democratic process. We sit on the board because farmers voted us here. We are therefore the voice of farmers. Four federal government appointees bring additional expertise to the board table and share our singular mission: to ensure the CWB maximizes value to producers.
It is no secret that the CWB board of directors and the current federal government do not share the same vision for the future of grain marketing. But when the government overrides the CWB board of directors, it is overriding the democratic will of farmers. That is why we wanted the courts to overturn a 2006 government directive (also known as the "gag order") because, as farmers, we have the right to run our own organization. That is why we applied to the Supreme Court. And that is the principle we will fight to preserve.
Larry Hill
CWB board of directors
Swift Current, Sask.
There is a very important reason why the Canadian Wheat Board recently tried to take a case to the Supreme Court of Canada. It was neither "frivolous" nor driven by politics, as some have alleged.
The reason was this: we believe that Prairie farmers should have the right to control and direct their marketing organization through their democratically elected CWB board of directors. We did not agree with a previous court ruling about the federal government's power to direct the CWB. We believed that sweeping changes to the CWB Act in 1998 were intended to pass control to farmers. Why else does the CWB board of directors exist?
We believe it is important to respect democracy and the will of farmers as expressed through a democratic process. We sit on the board because farmers voted us here. We are therefore the voice of farmers. Four federal government appointees bring additional expertise to the board table and share our singular mission: to ensure the CWB maximizes value to producers.
It is no secret that the CWB board of directors and the current federal government do not share the same vision for the future of grain marketing. But when the government overrides the CWB board of directors, it is overriding the democratic will of farmers. That is why we wanted the courts to overturn a 2006 government directive (also known as the "gag order") because, as farmers, we have the right to run our own organization. That is why we applied to the Supreme Court. And that is the principle we will fight to preserve.
Larry Hill
CWB board of directors
Swift Current, Sask.