mustardman: "Thankyou all for proving my Point. That the Denial industry has had a successful run of convincing you that You are not responsible."
Perhaps you would take the time to explain the point about the climate of Mars changing at the same pace as Earth's climate?
Are our CO2 emissions reaching that far? Are we responsible for that documented change as well?
Or could it be that sunspot activity has a little more to do with this natural phenomenon than Saint Algore wants to admit?
You might have had a teacher in school that was very passionate about preaching his/her doctrine of AGW, but passion does not equate with truth or accuracy.
The brain-washed students who endured several decades of misguided, nihilistic class room "climate diatribes" are now starting to insert their warped views into policy.
Policy that has a detrimental effect on all of us, whether or not we buy into their crap.
So people like Don McCabe are trying to have a positive influence on a negative course. I know Don is dedicated and thoughtful, and I wish him luck.
Perhaps you would take the time to explain the point about the climate of Mars changing at the same pace as Earth's climate?
Are our CO2 emissions reaching that far? Are we responsible for that documented change as well?
Or could it be that sunspot activity has a little more to do with this natural phenomenon than Saint Algore wants to admit?
You might have had a teacher in school that was very passionate about preaching his/her doctrine of AGW, but passion does not equate with truth or accuracy.
The brain-washed students who endured several decades of misguided, nihilistic class room "climate diatribes" are now starting to insert their warped views into policy.
Policy that has a detrimental effect on all of us, whether or not we buy into their crap.
So people like Don McCabe are trying to have a positive influence on a negative course. I know Don is dedicated and thoughtful, and I wish him luck.