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Top of list?. What if this is mostly correct?

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    I hope there are more people concerned than "You both"......

    When 70% to 80% of the Canadian flax export markets go poof and no one has a clear idea of when or how or if it will ever come back; then there is a problem. If I were an organic farmer I would see even darker writing on the wall too..
    Their problem isn't likely diminishing as their customers become more aware that they share the same seed supplies as rest of Western Canada (and the world); and that organic farmers are just across the "fence" from the same problems shared by everyone.
    We can't exist in little protected bubbles on this planet; and neither can GM, GMO, PNT etc etc. In all gets mingled in and inter bred to the point there is a "little bit of everything in anythging. Where have I heard that before?


      I guess we should all get on the same page for defintions. Her'e's the link to CFIA webpage that defines GM, GE, LMO etc.



        [URL="http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/sci/biotech/gen/terexpe.shtml"]cfia definitions[/URL]


          I don't feel like chasing cars.

          Definitions are for bureauctrats who spin their governments' wanglings.

          The principle is this:

          Doesn't matter the modification. The fancy name of it. The type of modification; there will be a new one next week.

          Insist on this: If you patent it.....you own it....you get the money....and the responsibility.

          No weaslings off responsibility. It's clear and simple. Define every name of Toyota's offspring......Lexus..Accura...etc

          Or chemicals...Spleen, Badger, Coyote etc.

          You own em. You're responsible

          As farmers, we need to make sure we don't get stuck with environmental cleanup costs from AgCan82Much modified lentils because all the bees are dying.

          And both governments and corporations will try their best to download their responsibilities on ordinary everyday farmers. The corps will try to download ownership responsibilities.

          And governments...every bloody one of them, will try to download BOTH their partnership-ownership responsibilities PLUS their regulatory responsibilities on farmers.

          Because they think they can. Pars


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