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Alberta Grain Commission "Name Change"

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    Tom, you are like the energizer bunny, you just go
    on and on and on... Yeah, when I started out
    farming in the early 70's with a young wife, (both
    of us decided to give up our pursuits of
    professional careers because we missed the sweet
    smell of freshly turned soil in the spring, the smell
    of grains ripening in the fall, and oddly enough
    even the smell of diesel fumes) I did work off farm
    in the winters, primarily in concrete construction.
    Every penny went to either paying off student loans,
    investing in our future or buying into and growing
    the family farming operation. You scoff at this? I'll
    bet there are a few AV listeners who understand
    that if you have a dream and really want it, you
    bloody well have to earn it. What, did you inherit
    everything or win the lottery? Oh yes, you are a
    'farm manager' and feel superior to so many
    because you achieved this and that and got the
    highest ever marketing score in Winnipeg - blah,
    blah, blah! Well the fact is maybe, just maybe, you
    also got a bit lucky. The sad fact is, luck has a way
    of turning around sometimes. In the later years, I
    used my spare time to work in other areas that
    present value to rural communities, like with Gas
    Co-ops, benefitting by not only offering the same
    conveniences as our city cousins get, but in many
    cases providing a competitive advantage in
    business (irrigation and grain drying, greenhouses,
    etc). And, oh by the way, perhaps because I was
    able to provide some value to our 100,000 plus
    customers, I got paid for my efforts (off farm
    income, I guess). The fact is, farming was always
    my primary source of income!
    And, I guess you and I have a different vision of the
    future for our children in Alberta - you see it as
    carrying on the proud farming tradition, I see it as
    providing the opportunities, the freedom and the
    environment to do and succeed at what 'their'
    dreams and ambitions are, not mine or yours. And
    maybe sometimes it means going somewhere else
    in the world to accomplish wider and greater things
    than 'we' imagine.
    Anyway, give it a rest, the AGC is completely
    unnecessary and would have been a good place for
    Norton to save a few bucks.


      Sorry, I hit the N instead of the M, as in Morton.


        Rockpile and Burbert,

        All other issues aside... if the name alone is the issue... the word Council much better explains the functions and organisational functions they are expected to provide.

        The Canadian Grain Commission is VERY different than the AGC... you must admit. I fail to see why this would/should offend you!


          The Alberta Grain Commission or Alberta Grains Council, whatever it wants to be called is, an example of a USELESS FARM GROUP. Unless you count jobs for PC buddies and burnt out farmers as USEFUL. To advise the Premier on farm issues of concern. For gosh sakes he has the entire Alberta Gag branch to do that, and doesn't need another opinion.... That's why I am pe'od about this sort of stupidity. Secret groups of select Alberties deciding the future of Alberties, sounds like the all noing all doing Amerikan CIA of Gag...



            Who should the AB Minister of Agriculture as... you and Rockpile?

            If you were the Minister...and read what you write/wrote on Agriville... would you as ag minister ask Rockpile and Burbert for advice?


              T4, YES! and a whole bunch of more grassroots
              rural folks. And I would completely respect the
              opinions of those who did not just 'suck up' to me!
              One thing I wouldn't do is surround myself with a
              bunch clones! Out of conflict come 'great' solutions.
              Otherwise, I would like to quote John Diefenbaker
              to you - "politics can be like a rocking chair - a lot
              of motion but it never moves anywhere!" In the end,
              I would be bold enough to give authority to
              individual producers or groups who could come
              forward with innovative and revolutionary ideas.
              Just my point of view, I guess I'm a dreamer...


                What are the names of appointees? Every once in awhile you see in a paper the name of an appointee but I have never seen alist of them all.I note that the last one that George G. appointed was Dennis Naninga who was a fellow director with George from his Ab Pool/Agricore days.Hmm! Perhaps a favor being returned. Any way it seems you are there to give them what they want to hear so they can say they are listening to farmers.Eg. I have never heard of an appointee that was a fan of orderly marketing.At a Unifarm meeting years ago a motion was presented to recommend that the AGC be disbanded but it was tabled because as the mover of the tabling motion stated. How can we vote on getting rid of something we know nothing about?


                  The information you request on the Alberta Grains Council is below. Information on first
                  page is a little out of date on the price survey but the tabs are reasonably up to date.


                  I work very closely with AGC as with all Alberta Commissions and Associations. That is one
                  of the privileges I have in my job.


                    Hi Charlie, that is a fairly respectable and diverse
                    group compared to the 'bums and losers' they used to
                    have! Still, I don't buy in that the product is worth the
                    cost. Out of curiosity, do you have a degree in Ag-
                    Economics from the U of A? Attained in the early 70's?
                    Just curious.


                      The year would be 1975. Hard to believe that 35 years go that fast.


                        Took a look. Seems to me the WCWGA and WCBGA and every other group that is against the CWB have awell funded group working for them.


                          I'll bite. Which group is that?


                            Politicians and their klingon friends do really, really, really good work when it comes to Ag. That is they all feather their nests, and share wit one another! Most have never farmed, but they had a cuz or unc who did in Sask years ago, sos they knows what it is all about, cusz they spent Summer holidays on the farm, and if was really fun. OR they are formally trained and have AG DEGREES, BUTT never farmed, and still they know it all, in theory, how it should work, Supply and Demand, basis for Gag.... Yeah right, try, lying and cheating thats the reality....


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