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Barrie $10.60/bu

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    Barrie $10.60/bu

    Contract from Hovis UK for UK grown Barrie for 2010 is about $10.60/bu on the farm. Hovis now advertise that their bread is now made from 100% UK wheat. CWB delivered to nearest elevator (if only, my 3 nearest are all in North Dakota) for 2010 will be?

    This our checkoff dollars hard at work.


      It would be interesting to know how Barrie yeilds in comparison to uk varieties. Are they paying a "premium" for quality or yeild difference. Or is this just the price of quality milling wheat in the uk?


        Lots of 2010 flax varieties here with viterra/ugg having the first dozen or so on the list:


        Good to have such a variety, Kinda like choosing a new car.

        Need some hard sweating agent working hard to make registered seed compulsory at the farm gate,though to crank out really cool. Pars


          Here is the UK contract as offered to me
          Continuing from the success of 2009 crop, Rank Hovis are keen to lock growers into a contract for harvest 2010, and with the current weakness in the feed wheat market red wheat can once again look very profitable to the grower.

          RED WHEAT - Can be sown from November to April
          - Prefers moisture retentive soils
          - Requires only 100-120 kg/hectare of Nitrogen (saving £100.00/hectare compared to conventional wheat)
          - Is early to harvest (similar to Soissons when sown in the autumn)
          - Yields 4.0 - 5.5 tonnes/hectare (highest yield to date 6.6 tonnes/hectare)
          - Has outstanding quality—averages 17% Protein, 330 HFN and 79 kg/hl Specific Weight
          - Retains its quality in difficult seasons (97% of crops have met contract standards)
          - All samples that we have seen from the 2009 season have met contract standards
          PROFITABLE - More profitable than any other wheat—£135/mt over feed wheat at time of movement
          FLEXIBILITY| - Growers will be able to lock into their base price if they so wish


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