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Reining in the Canadian Wheat Board

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    And what is supposed to be accomplished on this forum? Mostly tirades against the CWB and how to "get out from under its yoke".

    Talk about stirring up "trouble"..yah right...



      You make a good point. If farmers would quit arguing about the cwb and focus on other issues that farmers, as a whole, all have in common then the government might start taking notice.

      Sure I think the cwb is obsolete but I can quit thinking about it for a day or two and focus on something else.

      Fertilizer pricing that is linked to farmers gross returns is collusion. They use to say it was because of natgas prices.

      Railways that do as they please. The government won't step in. The rail industry pushed the efficencies to farmers and kept the gain/money and the government does nothing. Read the last WP.

      Chemicals could be coming into this country for half price but nothing changes.

      Sure the cwb debate will live on for decades because the conservatives take us for granted. The cwb debate is a diversion from the real issues. AND the conservatives play it that way so they have to do nothing about anything else. Its a liberal trick they learned well.


        Willagro, I'll ask you the same question I asked Burbert: your neighbors are able to sell their feed barley freely as off-board throughout Canada. Would you be okay with them also being able to export it off-board?



          When the CWB structurally knocks the bottom out of wheat & barley feed grain markets in western Canada... it kills premium prices all grains used for feeding/industrial... not just wheat and barley. There should be a natural flow south into the US. The CWB stops this natural trade cold by absorbitant buyback prices.

          Except if you are a big

          It is absurd... to claim no connection between livestock feeds from the different grains... unless they cannot be substituted between them. Simple economics.


            Except if you are a big feed mill... and also gets free export licenses from the CWB.

            What a farce... the only ones restricted by the CWB... are 'designated area' grain producers!


              Farmers basically don't like one another, hence they will never ever ever ever co-operate to make things better. Besides they are to easily bought off, seduced by the dark side, if you will.....


                With few exceptions, my perception is that most
                farmers do tend to want to get along with others.
                But maybe we just tend to perceive in others
                what is actually in us.


                  Hi Burbert, How do you personally feel about you farmer neighbors? They are able to sell their feed barley freely as off-board throughout Canada. Would you be okay if they could also export it off-board? That wouldn't hurt you or the CWB but could be very helpful for them.


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