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Keep your eye on the ball... Triffid

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    Keep your eye on the ball... Triffid

    Here is a grain trader's words of wisdom

    CERTIFIED FLAX SEED DEMANDED: Now with the G.M.O. problem, many companies are demanding Cert Flax seed for production and sale next year. I wonder were this is going to take us. Will we need Certified seed on all grains in the future, will we be able to fill the demand, be able to pay for it, and think of the potential lack of control you might end up with in the future. Those with the volume of seed needed might well control who grows what , were and when ? Just a thought from an old farmer that does not like C.W.B. control little less what we grow and when, would you ? I think North American farmers need to take a stand now before it is too late.

    Oneoff, my eye WAS on the ball with the "Funding" post. There's more.

    I have more to enlarge on "funding", that relates to Triffid as well, but I thought I'd give poor old Dave a day to get his blood pressure down, and quit kicking his cat after the pulse alley scrap. LOL

    Triffid is a typically expensive symptom of yet more and more and more to come:

    GM events that are:

    1. invented at University of Saskatchewan with boundless taxpayer and farmer dollars,

    2. patented in obscure countries so taxes are avoided,

    3. tendered out to teachers' pets at the university,

    4. only taking responsibility for profits, and leave the losses-messes for farmers and taxpayers to clean up


    6. turning farming into forced use of branded privately owned patented seed

    all 6, yes, will eventually show that Triffid is just the tip of the iceberg and it needs slapping hard.

    Gonna be a lot of folks who are NOT going to like my next Commentary. btw, it's not the pen that's the poison tom, it's the message about the EVENTS unfolding (pun intended) that is so gawdawfull when farmers actually see it in print.

    Nobody likes the seedgrowers' edict which comes off across like this:

    "You stupid donkeyfarmers will buy only our pedigreed seed in 2010 because we want to get rid of GM, but we have more GM pedigreed seed coming down the tube right smart. which only WE own and you will be forced to buy. La la la la la la ".

    Yes well, Happy Seed Growers Family Day Pars


      Anyone get Canada-Branded Triffid test results back? To which company did you send your flax to get tested? Pars


        and what is the cost of this newest test to the .01. If we test our common flax and it passes what makes certified flax any better?


          No better, just an opinion.

          Just want to purge the system of Triffid so they can get rid of the outdated modified garbage by making you pay for the cleansing, so they can then sell you a brand new variety of GM flax, imho.

          It's already in the bag, so to speak. lol

          Solves seed marketers potential "stacking" problems where one GM gene from one variety gets stacked with another gene from a different variety, and the mongrel variety containing chemical genes become toxic.

          Costs money to cleanse. Let the donkeys do it, imho.

          Of course, we can all can understand why "stacking" genes isn't discussed very much.Pars


            I suspect that there isn't even one ordinary person that has even slightly more than a faint clue about what is going on in the gene field. The researchers and promoters have such profound conflicts of interest that they can not and should be trusted to express an unbiased opinion.
            This is a recipe for disaster; it has happened already and the big problems are bound to show up when we all finally realize that "there is a little bit of everthing in anything" Why even bother to test?
            The big question is why this field was allowed to be released before there was a real handle on all the implications.


              What is all this costly and nonsensically testing going to achieve? Who is going to submit a sample of flax for testing that they may suspect/knows contains levels of Triffid? BTW I just got my tests back and the results were negative,as I knew they should be.




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