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Silent socialists

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    Silent socialists

    I'm in LA this morning and just had breakfast with a US associate. I've known this guy since 1995. He has been on the CAD grain file for 20 years.

    His reasoning why the cwb is alive and kicking - "western canadian farmers are silent socialists. Eastern Canadians wouldnt stand for the way western farmers get treated."

    Think about it. Thats how a foreigner sees the situation. It pissed me off that he was right.

    The Conservative Party of Canada is not socialist and neither are their many farmer supporters who want marketing choice. With the recent Federal Court rulings, it is clear that Minister Ritz, and the Cabinet can provide a significant measure of relief to Prairie farmers by ordering the CWB to grant export licences to producers.

    And the "socialists" still have their CWB intact.


      You should have added the phrase "And damn proud of it". We pride ourselves in being different from our Amerikin family and friends. We are not money grubbing, lean mean capitalists! But think about it for a split second, not many of us are gun totting, phsyco's that are undergoing therapy and dreamin about being cool like Tony Saprano either!!!!!!!!!!!


        Burbert, I do enjoy your posts. But you have never answered my question. This is the third time. Your neighbors can freely sell their feed wheat and barley throughout Canada as "off-board". Would it be okay with you if they could also export that same "off-board" feed grain? Can I assume that the reason you don't answer is because you don't want your neighbor to have that freedom? Is this what you are: "And damn proud of it".


          i guess then you'd have to describe american farmers as enthusiastic socialists because they are so heavily subsidized. americans love to use the s word as some sort of slur when in fact their economy has gone way beyond ours in state support of targetted industries.


            Americans pay their farmers through subsidies and food aid. They pay farmers. Keeps the money at home. Then if they so desire they give the grain away to messed up countries.

            The cwb gives our grain away.
            The cwb gives our grain away.

            Against world prices that the americans set.

            But they don't care, the nation is fed and farmers are paid. Keeps everyone happy to have a well fed nation. And wealthy farmers.

            Not so in Canada. We give our grain away thru the cwb. We don't keep farmers wealthy - we keep them begging. And soon we will be importing beef because the cheap food policy is putting farmers and ranchers out of business. Meanwhile our farmland is being bought by foreign countries that take care of their farmers but for food security they need more land. And canadians for the most part don't understand we are essentially up for sale.

            Then you can talk about being a nation controlled by others. From the energy, steel business, autos, etc., and finally beef and grain farmers.

            Would I rather have the american system where farmers are valued as a integral part of the business of the nation and treated as such. Yup.

            But its not happening because too many conservatives are now lard asses waiting for their golden handshake and parachute clauses, then to the boardroom of corporate canada.

            The sad part is they have allowed the boardrooms to be sold off and they are too stupid to realize there is no place to go.


              both nations have essentially sold their economies to the bric nations to finance standard of living and social programs that we didn't have the production to create. as lahey would say, 'there's a s*itstorm a comin' rickey.'


                Right on bucket!!!!

                And as long as the Cais program is around other countries will think we are so subsidized because our gov brainwashes everyone into thinking it actually is saving the beef industry and grain farmers that have had multiple year losses when in fact it's a total flop. Get rid of that f'n bullshit and the CWB and put that money into real effective trade ideas etc. and maybe we'll still have a farming industry.


                  Lol..love the trailer park boys.

                  Slightly off topic but what i'm hearing from different
                  think tanks is that the u.s will split apart in the very
                  near future over political ideaologies.(this may be
                  hard for some to believe but it is very true)

                  The tea party people,who are ultra right wing and
                  believe in a constitutionally contolled republic are
                  actually called libertarians(dont let the name fool
                  you).They in turn are championed by a man named
                  Dr.Ron Paul,who has ran several times for president
                  and whos following is exploding.

                  Information about all of this is not in mainstream


                    Followed him for a long time. Ron Paul is very powerful. And he is very respected in Texas, who has a lot of wealth to back him.And they will/

                    Texans have been very careful with their money. And a lot of sound commerce is based in Texas.


                      Ironically, California has population to burn; and debt to start, stoke and finish the fire.


                        Pars,ever here his sons first name?You know hes the
                        real deal when you hear it.


                          Ayn never heard tell of it LOL


                            I recall realizing someone was the real deal when he said he read Jane.


                              Amerika had beter git its house in order sooner, rather than later. Printin truckloads and truckloads a grinbacks ain't solvin the problim. Rit now the Commies chines are leadin the world in exportin and buyin up stuff ifin I not mistakin, most people kant tell whts a Commie and what isn't. Socialites aren't necessarily Commies, er r they?


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