Let's start with 'system'.
The way it is presently working for agriculture is that research emphasis/$$ is aimed at biotechnology.
BASF/Dow/Syngenta/etc all lobby and beg governments for available research dollars
They have key people in place in each univsersity to enact their private research.
Patent inventions are owned privately via plant breeder's rights, for example, but funded mainly with massive amounts of public money.
Responsibility and liability lies with the taxpayer; the agricultural community,which trickles down to the farmer, not the inventor.
The research information paid for with public dollars is "private".
The reaearch invention paid for with public dollars is "private".
The test results are "private".
Information is "private"
So, many taxpayers view this as wrong.
It is not free enterprise to have public money funding private business, and a regulatory system that wants to "partner" instead of regulate.
Look up the definition of 'publicly funded but privately owned' with regulatory privileges(patent rights).charliep and write it down clearly on your next post.
In one word.
Is it a system you embrace?
The way it is presently working for agriculture is that research emphasis/$$ is aimed at biotechnology.
BASF/Dow/Syngenta/etc all lobby and beg governments for available research dollars
They have key people in place in each univsersity to enact their private research.
Patent inventions are owned privately via plant breeder's rights, for example, but funded mainly with massive amounts of public money.
Responsibility and liability lies with the taxpayer; the agricultural community,which trickles down to the farmer, not the inventor.
The research information paid for with public dollars is "private".
The reaearch invention paid for with public dollars is "private".
The test results are "private".
Information is "private"
So, many taxpayers view this as wrong.
It is not free enterprise to have public money funding private business, and a regulatory system that wants to "partner" instead of regulate.
Look up the definition of 'publicly funded but privately owned' with regulatory privileges(patent rights).charliep and write it down clearly on your next post.
In one word.
Is it a system you embrace?