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minimum gross returns

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    minimum gross returns

    My absolute drop-dead minimum gross returns are $200/acre with my mix of crops. This covers my labour, management and ROI of $50/acre as well as variable and fixed costs. It's going to be tough to hit it this year better canola returns will be reduced by cereals etc. With canola yields eventually reverting to average and low prices for everything else that I can grow in the thick black soil zone I will need an understanding banker. So to the point then: how in blue bloody h*ll is land going for $60/acre cash rent and $800/acre for sale? Please enlighten me because I don't have a clue.

    Welcome to farming new farmer. Just wait until you don't grow your average crop. And 160 per acre is going to get you by. Then when you don't get 160 per acre then the crop of 130 must get you by. Been there. Of course you can forgo your wage, management and return on investment for a year or two after the last couple. Sorry maybe you cannot.


      Been their to and its going to get ugly, Like i said 3 days of super prices equal years of pain. Welcome to the pain. I don't get the high dollar rent or land values of 1000 a acre but hey nothing makes sense. Remember Commodities is where its at. HA HAH HAHAHAHAHAH.


        Hey tmy punch in 30 canola 55 barley 35 hrs 80 oats 20 flax and 25 peas how do the numbers look now.


          Doesnt matter how much an acre i make i'm still broke
          all the time.


            You dont need Money to be happy


              If you cant make money growing cereals dont grow them. pulses, flax, canola, potatoes, hemp, look at summerfallow cost vs losing money on HRS wheat or feed barley.
              Or just say to hell with it, fallow everything for a year and go get a real job that will give you days at the lake when the sun is shining. (maybe rent out your land to a BTO for a year, cash up front though)


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