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Would Quebec be the next Greece!

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    Would Quebec be the next Greece!

    Just a observation from spending time in Greece and seeing how their system works over their. Now seeing how they are so far in Debt that as a country they are on the verge of collapse. We have Quebec who is basically a welfare state. BLA BLA Blah. So if they broke away from Canada and became their own country would they end up exactly where Greece is today. My guess is yes and in record amount of time. So one has to ask them selves why as a country to we put up with this BS.

    Some very scary rumors are popping up not just
    conscerning the pigs(portugal,ireland,greece,spain).

    Soros and some other top money men are placing
    huge bets against the euro and pound.


      cotton, I too have been reading things about Soros lately, but what does this equate to?

      gold up!
      crude down!
      USD up!
      DOW down!
      CAN$ ???
      Grains ???


        Cotton I agree with you that Greece is just the beginning. It could then be a Domino effect. I think its weeks away.


          the americans aren't comfortable either.


          prechter's recent reasoning for deflation. makes point that even though money is being printed defaults wipe out wealth on balance sheets.



            Elliot Wave have called in their latest report for us all to watch out as US banks haven't learned from their mistakes and are trying to pay back loans and keep shareholders happy by getting into real risky borrowing.


              same as the economists in the abc story say.


                when all the economies are weak it's less of a currency situation and becomes more apparent this is a global credit bubble. which currency soros shorts just depends on what he judges to be the timing of the dominoes.


                  bad link re: elliot wave but good source.

                  good link re:abc but bad source, UN/food for oil. Nobel/Al Gore, not much credibility left in analysis


                    links work for me. my point is you have more people coming from different angles to the same conclusion that this hasn't been fixed. the stimulus money is not spurring further economic activity. it gets spent but the multiplier effect isn't happening. the banks continue on selling crap and taking big profits; credit is not being loosened so we are either in for a long period of stagflation or a crash. i think with the credit bubble being global we'll see the crash. check out some of what paul van eeden has had to say.


                      Hunker in. Borrow as little as you can. Recycle. Reuse. Share. Borrow from the neighbor. Do some horse trading. Trade work. Do without.

                      Things are going to get tough IMHO

                      And landtaxes will ^

                      DYOD Pars


                        I havent been worried in the past about the effects of
                        arising currency on us canadian farmers,but now it
                        seems possible that our dollar could go to an extreme
                        evaluation-not good.


                          Of course the proffesionals havent brought this up
                          yet,so dont worry about until it happens,and then they
                          bring it up.


                            The worst effect will be the government's abiility to impose ever-increasinf taxes.

                            Municipalities. Cities. Provinces. Feds.

                            And they will tax you so they can survive. They will put themselves first, and farmers will come last.

                            You can hedge in Euros, for example. Eat what you grow. BUT, taxes are the worst nightmare. Countless lost their land during the thirties. And China has billions in reserve, waiting to buy cheap land. Pars


                              i think it's a given the c$ will rise but it will be held back somewhat by the weakness of the americans, our biggest customers. as far as rising taxes, if the taxpayer doesn't have it the govt won't get it. western economies have become so inefficient with the concentration on one side of a lot of the markets that wealth is being concentrated too and that sector of the population doesn't give up wealth easily. value chains are broken and price discovery has become distorted. this won't be solved easily or quickly.


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