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CWB Annual Report Available

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    CWB Annual Report Available

    [URL="http://www.cwb.ca/public/en/library/publications/popups/farmers_report_to_producers.jsp"]2008/09 CWB Report to Producers[/URL]

    For what it is worth, I note you are referred to as producers - someone I would interpret as providing an input to a bigger business. Not stakeholders or valued partners or shareholders.

    For what it is worth, the CWB showed a cash surplus of $44 mln on the FPC/BPC financial results. That is a transfer of about $24/tonne from this years participants in these programs to finance last years deficit. The contigency fund is now about $3.4 mln in surplus. Interesting money has been transferred back into the pools to refund last years losses/pain before any money was paid into the contingency fund. The dollar amount is $16.3 mln (see p. 20).

    Read the fine print on the contingency fund on p. 23. I guess money is money but I have to question the transfer of money between pooling periods.

    Accounting for cash trading is also interesting. The CWB sold about 30,000 tonnes of barley through the pooling system and cash traded 147,000 tonnes.


      This is where any director worth his dirty socks would provide an explantion to his voter producers in one press release or on the CWB website/western Producer or on his webpage.

      Not one CWB director helps producers in his own area better understand what the CWB did in the accounting rigamarole or why.

      What was that expression about useless and a boar?. Pars


        February/March Grain Matters has the financial reports(arrived in my mailbox today). Encourage you to read and be prepared to ask questions at the district meetings.

        Already highlighted the issues around the contingency fund and this past year producer pricing options.

        Should also review the CWB performance measures in general. I always find "Contribution from other Sources" interesting. This year $58 mln versus a target of $49 mln and a loss in 2007/08 of $169 mln (or $216 mln before adjustment). Could go back but it seems there was a small loss in 2006/07.


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