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USA is Considering scrapping NAFTA!

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    USA is Considering scrapping NAFTA!

    Well it seems in God we trust is up to a new way to keep us out of their country. Cancel NAFTA is being discussed and its election time in USA so I wouldn't be surprised that the US gives notice in next few weeks that it is scrapping NAFTA.
    OK someone explain to me then wont we be able to close the boarder to Nat Gas Oil coal etc etc etc. Yes Ontario and Quebec would have major problems. But wouldn't the rest of us win. No more cheap anhydrous for US farmers and Canadians pay more.
    Always watch the Americans its always USA first rest get the scraps.
    We were shut out on BEEF then Pork Canola meal then HRS and Durum will be next.

    Not going to happen. Obama pooh- poohed during the election. As the U.S. dollar drops their trade deficit will decrease. They will say anything to get elected at this time.


      We heard all this same posturing during the last US election too and so it has reared its ugly head again b/c of the Oct. mid-term elections. The protectionist bunch in the U.S. might want to try it, but it would severely damage their northern Stats who rely heavily on Canadians for tourism, vehicle production and the like. Sometimes they like to bleat off like sheep just to hear the sound of their own voices--it makes them feel like they are leaders.


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