Tom and Charlie: Take your blinders off. You can tell yourselves and everyone else that you have a negative test that makes that sample and thus your seed or commercial flax Triffid free. Further you may even have widespread agreement that what you say is indeed a statement of fact.
Even with you; the testing lab result; and maybe even the vast majority of the population agreeing; you are deceiving yourselves and others. Read this carefully and tell me I am wrong. If I'm not wrong then you know what real men do.
Before you do any meaningful test you must collect an accurate sample if you want to extrapolate the conclusions to the much bigger lot you are really interested in. Then you must brinng yourselves to think of the Triffid tests as simply tests for traces of GM material. Admit that 0.1% is just a trace; 0.01% is a trace; now you are talking 0.025% which is just a trace. And make sure to keep that sample from which your past and current negative test results were drawn. Assume that up to the present all tests from that samples have indeed tested negative. Now I say you have hastily and unthinkingly concluded that your sample and your larger seed lot are "Triffid free"
If you agree that Triffid contamination is widespread; and at trace levels; and could show up in the most unexpected samples; are you going to be a little nervous when the next future more sensitive test (say 0.001%; or 0.0001% or 0.0000000001% sensitivity) is run on your previously tested negative sample which may only have had a sensitivity of say 0.025%. The future test could very well be positive. Why does this have to be pointed out to two of the supposedly clearer thinking posters on this site.
It is just wrong and foolhardy and plain stupid to be talking about Triffid free until the last Triffid seed has been disposed of. That can't be done; never will be done; and again just can't be done unless every single flax seed is disposed of; or tested to make sure that it isn't a Triffid offspring.
Again I challenge you and anyone who makes Triffid free statements.
And charlie; before I ever make my suggestions about handling such serious problems; don't you think that it would be important to have agreement with you on such basic statements as have been mentioned above.
Some statements should stand on their own without any need for debate.
But for those industry players who can stand some fresh ideas; contemplate on the posts of others just above in this same thread. I'm with them; and suspect you fellows should quit chasing Triffid free; because the idustry solutions could never accomplish that goal; and further the industry and regulators have staked our future on GM modification of every combination imaginable.
Give me some unarguable arguments regarding my analysis; or else please quit your sales pitches for the industry. You gain your credibility on future issues through your past positions on issues such as Triffid.
Even with you; the testing lab result; and maybe even the vast majority of the population agreeing; you are deceiving yourselves and others. Read this carefully and tell me I am wrong. If I'm not wrong then you know what real men do.
Before you do any meaningful test you must collect an accurate sample if you want to extrapolate the conclusions to the much bigger lot you are really interested in. Then you must brinng yourselves to think of the Triffid tests as simply tests for traces of GM material. Admit that 0.1% is just a trace; 0.01% is a trace; now you are talking 0.025% which is just a trace. And make sure to keep that sample from which your past and current negative test results were drawn. Assume that up to the present all tests from that samples have indeed tested negative. Now I say you have hastily and unthinkingly concluded that your sample and your larger seed lot are "Triffid free"
If you agree that Triffid contamination is widespread; and at trace levels; and could show up in the most unexpected samples; are you going to be a little nervous when the next future more sensitive test (say 0.001%; or 0.0001% or 0.0000000001% sensitivity) is run on your previously tested negative sample which may only have had a sensitivity of say 0.025%. The future test could very well be positive. Why does this have to be pointed out to two of the supposedly clearer thinking posters on this site.
It is just wrong and foolhardy and plain stupid to be talking about Triffid free until the last Triffid seed has been disposed of. That can't be done; never will be done; and again just can't be done unless every single flax seed is disposed of; or tested to make sure that it isn't a Triffid offspring.
Again I challenge you and anyone who makes Triffid free statements.
And charlie; before I ever make my suggestions about handling such serious problems; don't you think that it would be important to have agreement with you on such basic statements as have been mentioned above.
Some statements should stand on their own without any need for debate.
But for those industry players who can stand some fresh ideas; contemplate on the posts of others just above in this same thread. I'm with them; and suspect you fellows should quit chasing Triffid free; because the idustry solutions could never accomplish that goal; and further the industry and regulators have staked our future on GM modification of every combination imaginable.
Give me some unarguable arguments regarding my analysis; or else please quit your sales pitches for the industry. You gain your credibility on future issues through your past positions on issues such as Triffid.