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China picks on our southern sister!

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    China picks on our southern sister!

    Seems china wants cheep food at all costs. Here is a article about their latest game with Argentina.http://www.agriculture.com/ag/futuresource/FutureSourceStoryIndex.jhtml?&page=story&id=168281
    I sorry but just because their the new super power that we made because we bought cheep Walmart goods instead of producing our own. They don't play buy the rules and we shouldn't either. Or they should take ownership and have product inspected buy their people here exchange dollars then its their responsibility. Were playing with a communist who is trying to be a capitalist and we play buy rules they have no rules. We will loose every time.

    Yep, you are absolutely correct in your analysis. They are as slippery as eels...look what they are trying to pull with Canadian canola. Best to keep your eyes open when dealing with them...and don't give in to their demands either.


      I think China sees high grain prices too, and is doing whatever it can to stifle the costs of importing grains and food products.


        Hopefully crude oil climbs higher and we can then just burn our grain at home :-)) Providing we have not been bought out yet.


          China is booming but you wouldn't want to live there, that is if you came from here.
          There has been an explosion of idiots with vehicles. Buses and cars drive 6 inches from the group of bicyclers, sometimes mowing them over a dozen or so over, oh well probably just a bunch of migrant peasants trying to feed their families anyways they think as they are constantly laying on their horns and running lights (this is no shit). This hectic Chinese way of life is very foreign to us. Oh and one does not leave your nice car parked anywhere unattended either, it will get vandalized. So taking the car on a nice family vacation is inconvenient if you could call it a nice family vacation in such a land, so one must hire the driver to sit with the car. IN a lot of ways the middle class is very much richer than us as they hire nannies, teachers, eat better foods, have triple the camera pixels, high speed everywhere, hire a driver, kids got an education that would top the best universities in North America. It was not an easy road pretty ruthless to get there and the kids will think you famous for your efforts.


            I saw an article where they were also purchasing huge tracts of land in Africa and setting up farming operations....it looks like they will not be able to feed their growing population at home....


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