Hehe parsley, you must have a part time job in communications. Another way to phrase your 2 choices would be:
1. Farming 101 System
Never replenishists.
Mine your soil for a half dozen or so years until production gets low, and then "deep root mine" the soil by a forage for the next half dozen years. Leave hard to manage areas as waste ground and spend as little as possible everywhere else. Extract the maximum revenue as possible locally. Avoid others.
2.Farming 102 System
Replenish nutrients back into soil that you've taken out with your crops. Make use of crop rotations to keep disease down, and diversity in the system. Carefully manage your crop protection inputs and find industry partners who will work with you to help increase production and profits. Make use of government expertise and programming to smooth out periodic downturns due to circumstances beyond your control.
Same thing you said, but with the spin going the other way.
1. Farming 101 System
Never replenishists.
Mine your soil for a half dozen or so years until production gets low, and then "deep root mine" the soil by a forage for the next half dozen years. Leave hard to manage areas as waste ground and spend as little as possible everywhere else. Extract the maximum revenue as possible locally. Avoid others.
2.Farming 102 System
Replenish nutrients back into soil that you've taken out with your crops. Make use of crop rotations to keep disease down, and diversity in the system. Carefully manage your crop protection inputs and find industry partners who will work with you to help increase production and profits. Make use of government expertise and programming to smooth out periodic downturns due to circumstances beyond your control.
Same thing you said, but with the spin going the other way.