1. newguy: "But it has made our planet sustainable."
Comment: Our plant is NOT sustainable. Too many people.
2. charliep: "Directed mutagensis? Using knowledge of genes/gene
sequencing to achieve a desired result"
Comment: Are the scientific methodologies that you reference here, actually the most frequently used methods of modifying crops/grains that is utilized in actual PRACTICE in crops in farmers' fields as I write? I find gene insertion of chemicals into grain is the prominent tool used in my part of the world.
3. bgmb: "How does an organic farmer replace the nutrients they are taking out of the soil?"
Comment: Crop rotation builds soil and nutrients. Plowdowns are common. Land is often planted to forage for several years to build back nutrients. Organic fertilizers are used. Composting is practiced. Mulching. Wide variety of nutrients are put back into the soil when various methods are used.
Comment: Our plant is NOT sustainable. Too many people.
2. charliep: "Directed mutagensis? Using knowledge of genes/gene
sequencing to achieve a desired result"
Comment: Are the scientific methodologies that you reference here, actually the most frequently used methods of modifying crops/grains that is utilized in actual PRACTICE in crops in farmers' fields as I write? I find gene insertion of chemicals into grain is the prominent tool used in my part of the world.
3. bgmb: "How does an organic farmer replace the nutrients they are taking out of the soil?"
Comment: Crop rotation builds soil and nutrients. Plowdowns are common. Land is often planted to forage for several years to build back nutrients. Organic fertilizers are used. Composting is practiced. Mulching. Wide variety of nutrients are put back into the soil when various methods are used.