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Really how much real moisture did Alberta and West Sask Get?

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    Really how much real moisture did Alberta and West Sask Get?

    OK today were told their is a bumper crop on way for Canola since Alberta and West Sask got rain. My question is how much real meaningful precipitation was their in this area. And If it fell as snow how much moisture is their going to be. Their is a Mega storm on its way but really early April showers don't make a crop, it helps but really doesn't make it. All it really does is get guys to ps away a huge bunch of cash on a crop that's going to pay them pennies.

    north side lake dief 0 zero!!


      Its making me wonder if any real moisture did fall in theses areas. or did it cool down and snow showers.


        You don't have to wounder, - very little precip fell anywhere. Most was snow that blew into bushes, fence lines and ditches.


          Nowhere near what was needed. Neighbors back in field yesterday.


            Well I drove from S'toon to Red Deer on the weekend mostly back roads and I saw more dirt drift than snow drifts.

            A canola crop that comes up to the bumper of the car isn't going to pay the bills.

            But, we have never lost a crop in April yet, except maybe in 88 and April lasted all year minus the showers.


              Maybe they are trying to talk the prices down.

              Heard it a few times in the last month that June will be the month that commodities start to go up.

              The logic is to scare the farmers into believing there is a bumper crop coming and the current prices are worth taking. Come June when you are hauling the crop in, prices have rose substantially.

              One exception, of course, is board grains.


                8 ft snow drift by the slab fence, road plugged, 0 in the pasture but the stubble field might of held 4 inches of snow.


                  Practice makes perfect and not doing for a while makes mistakes. Sorry.

                  [URL="http://marketprospects.usask.ca/"]market prospects[/URL]


                    Very little east and north of Lethbridge. Maybe a tenth in some places.


                      Too little to measure east of Calgary...just enough snow to settle the top dust...banks in the trees and around wind break fences from the Thurs. night howler--nothing is greening up--no native grass and nothing on the hay lands--we really need a couple of inches of warm, spring rain and we need it now--this is very similar to last spring and that was a killer for grain and cattle types--lots of grass fires etc. happening. Scary.


                        A little bit here near Killam! Everything we can get we are so grateful


                          Close to an inch in two twenty minute bursts,south
                          east sk.


                            Be nice if archive info actually worked-i know how it


                              But then isnt that how it is.Site full of big shots whos
                              insights are canceled after 90 days-GOOD FOR YOU
                              WE CAN ALL FORGET IT EH?

                              And take your word on what it is coming eh?


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