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Grain marketting sucks

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    Grain marketting sucks

    Especially when you have to deal with the CWB. OK Almost 2 years ago now Cargill took my soft wheat as malt. I fixed priced x tons which was 2000 bushels more than they decided to take in the end. I had the bushels, wanted to deliver, but no one could take delivery I found out around June. I checked every local elevator which we have plenty of around here. You can pretty much guess which year this was as the CWB sot fit to charge me 2 dollars per bushel instead of helping me find a delivery point. So I have this Soft White Wheat Andrew carried over. I talked to the CWB on phone and was very disappointed that I could not deliver the grain into the next crop year or that they could not provide me with delivery option, period, I have the grain and still have the grain, number one. So now they sot fit to go through some sort of collection agency which will likely end up in court. I would think any judge listening to this would give the CWB lawyer a quick kick in the balls, what do you think???

    You will not win


      Sorry hopper I think your going to lose. It sucks really big but they have the law on their side. We have been fined before and had to pay. Its the CWB way we pay and pay and pay and they pay us pennies back. Good luck.



        Is it better to try... and expose these problems... or lick our wounds?

        Better to have tried and failed...

        Bless you... all the best in your trial!


          Good luck, Hopper. You get to pay for two lawyers, yours and the CWB's. Either way, you lose.
          It is comforting to see the people supposedly working for farmers, taking us to court, instead of working out some kind of agreement.


            Canada STILL has due process. The CWB does not win in Court, each and every time. Hopper, if what you say is in fact what happened, the CWB will not win. Contrary to popular belief, the fix is not always in, in Court. Fighting city hall can/will be frustrating, but you kin win, if'n you are in the right......


              i agree you need to try to win, to expose the unfairness of the situation if nothing else.

              i'm interested in understanding the situation better. if that would help you at all, please feel free to give me a call.



                they are the ones who have to take you to court. Let them. In no way would I ever pay that hopper. Let them try to explain there position and show evey farmer how rediculous the whole CWB process really is.


                  Lepp it is as I said. I have the grain in good condition to deliver. I just want to deliver it and get paid the price I contracted for. Was a fixed price contract very plain a simple. Soft wheat was not so easy to find a delivery point after may of 08 in the crop year 07 08.
                  I just want the CWB to help me find the delivery point and end this disagreement. I think any other grain company has standard practice to allow delivery at a later date if they cannot take right away. Its called bargaining in good faith, as far as I am concerned I am in good faith.


                    I look forward to reading your case at lawsociety.sk.ca


                      Hopper if it goes to court, I might be interested in helping you out with a little cash for a legal defense fund. Someone has to keep the CWB honest in dealings.
                      When bureaucrats start making arbitrary decisions, someone has to call BS. This whole debate went sideways quite some time ago. I realize it's dumb to ask but what does your CWB district director say about the situation? Isn't that their role to work in the framers best interest.
                      Good luck and please keep us informed


                        Screw anyones cash I am not asking for cash or any help. Nice to see someone see the point, I do have a point. Not like someone without the commodity, I have always had the commodity. All I want is deliver the grain I contracted. I am a grain grower, I produce grain and sell it. I don't speculate and buy back when I have product in the bin.


                          Hopperbin did you contact your cwb rep when you could not find anyone to take delivery of your grain in May? I find that in most situations that it helps to have good communication when things are not going the way you expect it to.

                          Your cwb rep probably could have put a little pressure on to get your product delivered. If you did contact your cwb rep towards the end of the crop year and explained things, then I would contact the rep again and say what gives!


                            sorry hopper I wasn't trying to imply that you were looking for cash, or help.
                            The truth is though that over the last couple years I know that tens of thousands spent by individual farmers fighting the CWB, and thats just what I see.


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